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Downstream: The Truth About Incels w/ William Costello

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 20 May 2024

⏱️ 103 minutes

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The involuntary celibate community (aka ‘incels’) are often thought to be rightwing, white supremacist, and prone to violence. But how much of that is true? Ash Sarkar is joined by William Costello – a researcher whose work focuses on the psychology of incels – to discuss what we get wrong about incels, what incels get […]

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I'll be the first to admit it. I've tended to talk about in cells as either being


threatening aggressive, misogynistic, or as being


objects of disdain. And that's quite a callous way and a really reductive way to talk about people who are experiencing loneliness


and a lack of connection with others.


And I do genuinely believe that journalists and human beings more generally should try to be motivated by curiosity and empathy.


So for a while now I've wanted to do a downstream about the subject of in cells with an expert in the field.


And at last, that day has arrived.


I'm joined by William Costello, PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin, and author of some of the most extensive and serious research on the psychology


of Incells that there is out there. There are some things that we disagree on as you'll see, but there are some facts in his work that are deserving of proper attention.


In William Costello's research, 30% of his sample of insales met the diagnostic criteria for autism.


Just to be clear, no one is saying that people with autism are more violent or more misogynistic than the rest of the population at large.


But what William Costello's research looks at is the way in which autism makes men more vulnerable to in cell ideology and the bidirectional


relationship between poor mental well-being and in cell ideology.


We talk about dating on the apps, the ingredients of a healthy relationship and what


straight women really want from men. I hope you enjoy the interview.


So this wasn't actually how I wanted to start at all.


But what is it with men sneezes?


Like, is it like competitive to sneeze like you're trying to blow out


the windows in the house?


Oh, interesting.


I feel I'm not sex typical in that regard then because I sneeze very muted.


I kind of keep it all quite. Yes, a very feminist sneeze.


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