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Episode 353 - Keratin treatment, Spiders in lotion and more

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 7 January 2024

⏱️ 48 minutes

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Happy New Year! On today’s show we are going to cover some questions including…

  1. What are our thoughts of PatcH20 in skin care products?
  2. Does THDC degrade quickly due to oxidative stress?
  3. Is argeriline or matrixyl worth using?
  4. What are exosomes?
  5. How do keratin treatments work on hair and what the benefits and disadvantages are?

** Sorry about my audio in the first 5 minutes. My microphone cut out and I had to use the inferior backup. It gets better after I noticed the problem **

Beauty News

Sephora lotion attracts spiders?

AI beauty Influencers

THDC Article

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on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
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Perry's other website - Chemists Corner

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Hi, I'm Valerie, and you're listening to the Beauty Brains.


Welcome to the Beauty Brains, a show where real cosmetic chemists answer your


beauty product questions and give you an insider's look at the


cosmetic industry. This is episode 353. I'm your host Valerie George and with me today is Perry Romanowski.


Hi Perry.


Hello Valerie, great to see you in this new year.


Happy New Year, our very first episode of the year.


We're going to talk about some very interesting questions,


including, what are our thoughts of Patch 2O,


or is it Pat H2O in skincare products? Does tetrachso-descubate degrade quickly due to


oxidative stress? Is our gerelene or matricle worth using? What are exosomes?


And finally, how do keroten treatments work on hair and what are the benefits


and disadvantages of doing them.


But first, inane chit chat, happy new year.


Happy new year to you. I did my I covered one of my first goals of the year already.


Wow look at you.


Yeah I have this goal every year I have this goal to donate blood three times and so today I went and


donated blood. Wow already checking that off do you so you don't do I thought you


did it every 56 days or you know the


amount of time you have to wait in between to donate I thought you did that they


would want you to and I get contacted by the blood people like all the time


They're so obnoxious but I I figure you know I do three times a year I'm doing more than my part, right?


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