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Happy Birthday Gyles!

Something Rhymes with Purple

Sony Music

Arts, Education, Comedy

4.82.5K Ratings

🗓️ 26 March 2024

⏱️ 42 minutes

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This week it's about the birthday boy, as we celebrate all things Gyles Brandreth. Not only does Gyles spoil us with a plethora of his famous anecdotes, but he becomes the linguistics quizmaster and places Susie in the hot seat to answer questions from his book 'Have You Eaten Grandma'. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GYLES! You are truly one of a kind. We love hearing from you, find us @SomethingRhymes on Twitter and Facebook, @SomethingRhymesWith on Instagram or you can email us on our email address here: [email protected] Want even more purple, people? Join the Purple Plus Club by clicking the banner in Apple podcasts or head to purpleplusclub.com to listen on other platforms. Enjoy Susie’s Trio for the week: Galere: A coterie of undesirable people. Chawbacon: One uninterested in culture. Boulevardier: A lover of boulevards. Gyles' poem this week was the incredibly emotive 'Counting Backwards' by Linda Pastan. How did I get so old, I wonder, contemplating my 67th birthday. Dyslexia smiles: I’m 76 in fact. There are places where at 60 they start counting backwards; in Japan they start again from one. But the numbers hardly matter. It’s the physics of acceleration I mind, the way time speeds up as if it hasn’t guessed the destination— where look! I see my mother and father bearing a cake, waiting for me at the starting line. A Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email [email protected] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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So it's David's first week. Welcome David. Actually to kick things off David, maybe you can let us know your thoughts on the productivity portfolio flips around the spending dilip.


Okay, sorry? Give us your initial POV on the productivity portfolio Moo-Moo-M make much more with a feather this morning?


Oh, that, yeah, the uh...


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Welcome to another episode of Something Rimes with Purple. My name is Jars Brandreth and I'm in


London in England and my colleague my co-pot


panyon is the beautiful and brilliant


Susie Dent who is coming today from Oxford as usual.


Yes, when do I not come from Oxford? I think sometimes I'm in the Sony studios, but they're not often enough.


But yeah, I'm happy here.


Good, and I'm happy here, because I feel that we're gazing at each other through the wonders of Zoom and so we feel that we are


close. How close are we in terms of birthdays though? What is your star sign, Susie?


I am a Scorpio.


Oh, sexy old Scorpio.


So, yeah, I'm not sure if I sit the traditional


uh, no.


Picture of a scorpion.


I don't think you necessarily do, but that's because it's all under. No. the day before your birthday. Yeah, it is in, I mean, with birthday season


in our household, I'm a Pisean.


They run from about the 21st, 22nd of February


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