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How We Should Think About Pride Month

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 1 June 2022

⏱️ 35 minutes

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As the LGBTQ lobby once again flexes its muscles over American corporations and the western zeitgeist, Charlie walks through how we got here—to a full month dedicated to celebrating "Pride" based on one's intimate sexual preferences. He unpacks the timeline of a downward slippery slope since the widespread acceptance of a culture that rejects moral guardrails and tradition—bringing to light a larger point: one about the so-called "liberal nature" of man, our founding documents, our ideologies, and how the lie of liberalism may become the nail in the coffin of the American experiment, assuming we don't change course quickly. 

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Hey everybody, naïve no more. It is Pride Month and we talk about how liberation movements might start from a good place


But they do not end up in a good place. I talk about how I was tricked personally


I think a lot of you are in the same kind of seat that I'm in when it comes to this the kind of the same stage of life


People that have listened to this conversation already have been given very favorable feedback to this episode


So make sure you listen to it spend some time preparing for it


We definitely talked about a topic that you're not supposed to talk about which is Pride Month when we do it


I think in a thoughtful reasonable prudent and applicable way


I would love your feedback on this episode freedom at Charlie Kirk com did some extra research and some extra




Just kind of coming into this episode


Get involved a turning point USA today at tpusa.com give us a gift of any amount and


You guys get your copy of the conservative response to the great reset tpusa.com sort of high school or college chapter today at




Support the Charlie Kirk show at Charlie Kirk.com slash support if you are a high school student or a college student


You hear my voice right now stop what you're doing go to Tpusa.com and fill out a form to start a high school or college chapter today


We want to support you. We have field staff all across America


We have the materials the training to be able to help you be successful and a great leader


So we want to help you with that our educational movement is growing go to Tpusa.com


That is tpusa.com buckle up everybody here. We go


Charlie what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie


Charlie Kirk's run in the White House


I want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy. His spirit has loved this country. He's done an amazing job


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