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Magical Overthinking with Amanda Montell

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 29 April 2024

⏱️ 66 minutes

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Amanda Montell is the host of the podcast Sounds Like A Cult as well as the author of the new book The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality, a collection of personal essays on various cognitive biases, those flawed ways of thinking that were very important for early humans but now cause all kinds of problems in our technologically advanced world. Amanda explains why these cognitive biases originally existed, how they manifest in the personal and political, and what we can do to understand, combat, and maybe even harness them to our advantage. Get a copy of The Age of Magical Overthinking Follow Amanda Montell and her new podcast Magical Overthinkers on Instagram Become a Patron to support our show and get early ad-free episodes and bonus content Or subscribe to American Hysteria on Apple Podcasts Head to americanhysteria.com to get merch and leave us a message on our Urban Legends Hotline Producer and Editor: Miranda Zickler Associate Producer: Riley Swedelius-Smith Hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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There is like a beauty in magical thinking can really help us cope and tap into our


imagination and it's really when you combine it with the overthinking of the information age


that we're sort of displacing those instincts onto a more complex and


cerebral world.


Amanda Montel is the hope world.


Amanda Montel is the host of the podcast Sounds Like a Cult,


as well as the author of three books,


including Cultish and The Age of Magical Overthinking, notes on modern irrationality,


which we will be talking about today.


Each personal essay in this brand new book looks at a different


cognitive bias, those irrational thought processes of our ancient


outdated hunter-gatherer brains. of our ancient Amanda covers many of these cognitive biases and explains why they were important for the survival of early humans,


as well as how they currently manifest in a technologically advanced society that has very little in common with the distant past.


Whether personal, cultural, or political, these thinking patterns affect us all in tremendous ways.


And Amanda explains what we can do to understand, combat, and maybe even harness these cognitive biases to create a better life and a better world.


I'm your host, Chelsea Weber Smith, and this is American Hysteria.


Hi, Amanda. I am so thrilled that you are on our show right now. I finished your book this morning and I thought it was absolutely fantastic and so vital to everything that's happening right now and


has always happened from the beginning of time.


So thank you for being here. I really appreciate that.


Oh, the thrill is mine. Thank you for having me. That's a nice way to open.


Thank you. Yeah, a little drama to open.


I appreciate it. So I think the reason that I call it vital is that on our show we do talk a lot about


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