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Mysterious Feedback, November 2022

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

Jimmy Akin

Science, Society & Culture, Documentary, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.82.5K Ratings

🗓️ 30 November 2022

⏱️ 63 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


Mysterious feedback! Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli answer your mysterious feedback on recent episodes, including the Cuban missile crisis; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Urim and Thummim; Robert Righi; Kabbalah; Eucharistic Miracles; and more.

The post Mysterious Feedback, November 2022 appeared first on StarQuest Media.

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Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World is brought to you by the StarQuest Production Network


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You're listening to episode 234A of Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World.


Where we look at mysteries from the twin perspectives of faith and reason.


In this episode, we're talking about your mysterious feedback on some of our recent episodes.


I'm Dom Betanelli and joining me today is Jimmy Akin.


Hey Jimmy, howdy Dom.


So Jimmy, I want to start with a bit of video feedback that we got from a listener


who is in some place that a lot of people will recognize and here we go.


Hey Jimmy, howdy Dom.


Greetings from beautiful Vatican City. I just wanted to tell you that I love Jimmy Akin's


Mysterious World. You guys are the highlight of my Friday. Thank you so much for doing what you do.


And I want to thank Paul for sending us some video from St. Peter's Square. That's awesome.


I hope you had a, I believe Paul mentioned by email that he was there visiting and so hope you


had a great visit. And thank you very much for sending us the video feedback because video exists


now. This is the 21st century so people can send us video feedback. Yes, awesome. Thank you Paul.


So our first bit of feedback is general feedback and this comes from an a lot anonymous listener


as an audio feedback. I've been, uh, been watching your show because I discovered it recently and I


really have enjoyed it. And I find your perspective very interesting. And so I had an idea


for a possible episode. I was thinking about it. I just remembered sitting at


age, the man from the 1800s railroad worker who had a spike fly through his skull after an


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