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Pig Hill | Urban Legends Hotline

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 26 June 2023

⏱️ 57 minutes

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The inbred cannibal pig people who are said to inhabit Pig Hill in Meadville, PA attack teenagers who park on its lovers lane. But these are far from the only human-pig hybrids featured in American urban legends. For this episode, not only are we sharing different variations of the tale, but we are also digging deep into the weird history of pigs: Puritan bestiality trials, soldier-eating feral swine, hybrid animal experiments, the pigs who ruled the early cities, and what the history of the hog teaches us about suburbanization and the dehumanization of those the elite consider "unclean." If you have an urban legend you'd like us to explore, head to americanhysteria.com and leave us a message! Thank you to our listener Erin Hipple! Thanks to our author Nancy Williams! Become a Patron to support our show and get early ad-free episodes and bonus content American Hysteria is written, produced, and hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Sound design by Clear Commo Studios Research Assistant: Riley Swedelius-Smith Producer: Miranda Zickler Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Welcome to the Urban Legends Hotline, where we investigate the mysterious tales of your


hometowns and stories passed through the old, lockered halls of your schools to get to


the haunted heart of the urban legends that you grew up hearing and maybe even telling.


Today we are covering the in-bred cannibal pig people of Pig Hill.


Hi Chelsea. The urban legend I am recording for you tonight is the legend of Pig Hill.


In my hometown of Medfield, Pennsylvania, there was a place also called Radio Tower Hill,


where the radio tower from the town could be seen. And it was a famous spot for teenagers to go


and to make out. And the first time I became aware of Pig Hill was when I was a young theater kid


of maybe 14 or 15 years and a boy that I was dating wanted to take me up to Pig Hill for the


reasons that a person you are dating might take you there. And on the way he started to tell me


the urban legend and the story was that sometime early in Medvils history there were a series of


fires that destroyed several buildings in the town. And there was a particular family in the town


who were never charged with the fires but were widely believed to have been the reason the fires


occurred. And as a result of the court of popular opinion they were shunned from the town,


people wouldn't be involved with them or interact with them. And to the point where they moved up


into the hills just outside of the town itself. And because they had no access to others in the town


they began to inbreed with one another. And Pig Hill is called its name because the way the story


goes and I feel like I'm still unpacking it in adulthood is that they continue to inbreed with one


another until these mutant pig people were created, people who had worked or twisted faces


like the faces of pigs. There may be other versions of this story out there that is the version


that I heard. And needless to say it was a mistake on his part to tell me that story. It was sort


of a mood killer and we did not stay up on Pig Hill long. So anyway as I was reflecting on whether


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