Tonight’s guest, Adolf Santistevan (he goes by the nickname A.D.), used to love to go camping, hiking, and spending time in the mountains. After having the experiences he’s had, however, he no longer enjoys doing those things. If you listen to tonight’s show, you’ll understand why he’s lost interest in doing those things. A.D. has camped in some very remote places, but now he insists on being home before nightfall. One of the reasons why he can’t do a lot of the things he used to love doing is an experience he had while he was looking for Sasquatch prints, at a place near Pine Flat Dam, in Fresno County, California. He had gone there, that day, with a Sasquatch researcher, named Allen Thomas. After arriving at there, A.D. Told Allen that he was going to check out a place, next to The King’s River, where there was a dirt road. Knowing the dirt road would be a great place to look for prints, A.D. was excited about what he might find when he got to it. Sometimes, there’s a price to be paid for not watching where you’re going, in the wilderness. You never know what you might walk up on, if you’re not careful. That was a hard lesson A.D. learned that day.
If you'd like to watch the documentary A.D. was featured in, that we mentioned on tonight's show, please go to...
5 Days of Dogman
Starting tonight, October 27th, through Halloween Night, October 31st, content creators I've contacted will be airing Dogman-specific shows, every night, at 9 PM Eastern Time. Every night, except Sunday night, there will also be a new show at 10 PM. Below, you'll find a schedule that has the names of each participating show, a link to each show's YouTube Channel, and the time each show will be airing their episode. Not only do I hope you'll listen to each show that's participating, I hope you'll subscribe to their channels as well.
Friday Night:
9 PM Dogman Encounters
Saturday Night:
9 PM Bigfoot Crossroads
@BigfootCrossroads 10 PM Paranormal Voice @theparanormalvoice1663
Sunday Night:
9 PM Red Dirt Cryptids
Monday Night:
9 PM Tinfoil Tales
10 PM Sawdustt BEAST
Halloween Night:
9 PM The Cryptid Huntress
10 PM David Devine Broadcasted
Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.
If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to
If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report. If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.
I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.
My Bigfoot Sighting...
Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
My Paranormal Experience
Thanks for listening!
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