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Strengthening Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Building Bridges with Diversity β€” Edmund Hillary Fellowship's Yoseph Ayele

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.9 β€’ 2.1K Ratings

πŸ—“οΈ 12 February 2021

⏱️ 70 minutes

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Edmund Hillary Fellowship co-founder and CEO Yoseph Ayele joins us to discuss how his immigrant reform, establishing New Zealand as a base of operations for skilled and willing ex-pats like him to change the world.

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Hey everyone, Kevin Rose here. Welcome back to another episode of the Kevin Rose show.


Today's guest is Josef Ayela, who is the co-founder and CEO at Edmund Hillary Fellowship,


which is also known as EHF. Josef has a really fantastic story and just crazy journey. He started


off in Ethiopia, later moved to the United States and graduated from Harvard, then moved to Silicon


Valley, but really became frustrated with our whole immigration process here in the States,


and decided that this was not the place for him. He ended up moving to New Zealand.


We're really, he just went back to first principles and thought, how can I redefine or help redefine


what a modern immigration policy looks like? And what he's created is really fascinating. He's put


a emphasis on really the holistic person, so pulling out from the individual what drives them,


what they're passionate about, their creativity, and not just the old school way of doing things,


which is, do they have a degree that matches this form so I can check this box and stamp this


to let this person in the country? So I feel oftentimes, you know, I've experienced this when I was


a dig. I was trying to bring in Daniel Berkan to the country, and when I was trying to get


Daniel Avisas, a fantastic designer, was my designer for five years, had started a very successful


design company in Canada, but didn't necessarily have the degree to back it up. So how do you


explain to the immigration officer that yes, I don't have a degree, but I'm a really skilled designer,


and oftentimes they just reject you, and they don't let you in the States, and which is sad,


because we're missing out on some great talent that could be here that doesn't necessarily have


the formal pedigree that perfectly checks that box so that they can approve that person.


So Yosuf went to New Zealand and had a chance to create a brand new visa from the ground up.


This is called the global impact visa that he successfully launched, and New Zealand is primarily


known as historically as just an agriculture economy, and Yosuf was really interested in figuring out


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