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BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

1818 God Wants You

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

Pamela Crim | Daily Devotional for Women

Education, Self-improvement, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture, Christianity

5792 Ratings

🗓️ 17 February 2025

⏱️ 17 minutes

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You don’t need luck, not when you have God. You don’t have to be in the right place at the right time. Nobody else needs to know your name when God knows your name. Everyone else can totally count you out, but when God has singled you out nothing can keep you hidden from his purposes.

GOD HAS SINGLED YOU OUT. I don’t know what he had to do to ensure you’re listening at this moment, but here you are, and it’s not by accident. You will not remain stuck here living below your potential. There’s MORE for you. There’s MORE in you.

David was nothing more than a little shepherd boy, overlooked and dismissed by everyone. When the Lord sent Samuel to Jesse’s house to find the one to be anointed as the next King, Jesse lined his sons up for the choosing. One by one, Samuel looked at the sons thinking surely this was the one the Lord was choosing. This strong one, Samuel thought – No, the Lord said. This tall handsome one, Samuel thought – No, the Lord said. Seven of Jesse’s sons were presented, while the youngest son stayed in the field watching the sheep.

Jesse didn’t even think to bring in David, his youngest son, to be considered. He wasn’t the strongest, the wisest or who he considered to be the best. He was just the youngest of his 8 sons and considered the least.

1 Samuel 16: 11-13, “‘Send for him at once,’ Samuel said. ‘We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.’ So Jesse sent for him (David, his youngest son who was left out). He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, ‘This is the one; anoint him.’ So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on.”

David wasn’t in the right place at the right time … he wasn’t even invited to the right place.

You know what else this shows us … You don’t have to be impressive to a single other soul. You don’t have to stand out. You don’t have to be the best. And really, you don’t have to be doing anything special to be chosen.

What was David doing when he was chosen? His ordinary, every day work. He was out in the fields faithfully taking care of his father’s sheep.

And the same is true for you and I. We just need to do our ordinary, every day work faithfully. Stop trying to be noticed. Stop trying to compete with everyone else. God sees you. And guess what … GOD WANTS YOU! When it’s your time, he will find you, align you, equip you, and send you.

You can be overlooked by everyone else, and still be chosen by God. You can be left out by your family and your friends, but singled out by God. You can be passed over at work, forgotten by those who should remember you, and left waiting, and God will pluck you right out as the one he wants.

Your job here is to be faithful where you are with what you have. You’re growing impatient in the wait. You’re getting anxious and jealous. My sister, God’s eye has never left you. He knows where to find you … let him find you faithfully working in the field he has given you until it’s time to step into more.

Now here’s the thing, when God says, “YOU”, don’t dismiss yourself. Let your faith in God’s mighty power be so courageous that you actually believe he could use someone like you. He could use your story. He could use your skills. He could use every ordinary thing about you in extraordinary ways.


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Congratulations. Your gift of a new day is here. Ready to live it big. You're listening to the Big Life


Devotional podcast. Now, here's Pamela to get you fired up for all God has available for you today.


Well, good morning, beautiful. Welcome to a brand new day of life.


Happy Monday, my friends.


Oh, it is such a good day to be alive.


I am so grateful to get to help you start this day right.


The title of today's episode of the Big Life Devotional podcast is, God wants you. You don't need luck. Not when you have God.


You don't have to be in the right place at the right time. Nobody else needs to know your name when God knows your name. Everyone else can totally count


you out, but when God has singled you out, nothing can keep you hidden from his purposes.


God has singled you out. I don't know what he had to do to ensure that you are listening at this


moment, but here you are, and it's not by accident. You will not remain stuck here here


living below your potential. There is more more for you there's more in you


david was nothing more than a little shepherd boy overlooked and dismissed by everyone and when the


lord sent samuel to jesse's house to find the one to be anointed as the next king,


Jesse lined up his sons for the choosing.


And one by one Samuel looked at the sons thinking, surely this was the one the Lord was choosing.


This strong one, Samuel thought.


No, the Lord said.


This tall, handsome one, Samuel thought.


No, the Lord said.


Seven of Jesse's sons were presented,


while the youngest son stayed in the field watching the sheep.


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