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Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#356 Core Archetypes In The World w/ Greg Schmaus

Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

Kyle Kingsbury

Fitness, Health & Fitness, Health & Fitness:fitness

4.71.4K Ratings

🗓️ 22 May 2024

⏱️ 69 minutes

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Hopefully most of y’all know Greg from our previous convos or you’ve worked with him. For any newcomers though… Greg Schmaus is the CEO of Healing 4D, a Holistic Health Practitioner, Shamanic Energy Healer, and Massage Therapist. He is the creator of “Healing The Mind,” a 21 day holistic mental health program. In today’s episode we get a little refresher of the four survival archetypes outlined in Carolyn Myss’ work(Child, Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute). Greg also walks us through some additional archetypes to be aware of and work with. The Mother and Father representing how we relate to ourselves and the world. He also introduces the Imago Dei, how you relate and project your image of god into whatever you do. Give us a listen and get to work y’all! Head over to to check Greg’s work out and if called, dive into his programs, Healing The Mind and Healing Your Core Archetypes. Later this Summer Greg will also have an 8 week program working through the core archetypes he lays out. Use code “KYLE20” for 20% off any of his offerings. Connect with Greg: Website: Instagram: @4d_healing Show Notes: Armstrong Economics "It Didn't Start With You" -Mark Wolynn "Gene Keys" -Richard Rudd Sponsors: Caldera Lab is the best in men’s skincare. Head over to to get any/all of their regimen. Use code “KKP” at checkout for 20% off Bioptimizers To get the ’Magnesium Breakthrough‘ deal exclusively for fans of the podcast, click the link below and use code word “KINGSBU10” for an additional 10% off. Happy Hippo Kratom is in my opinion the cleanest Kratom product I’ve used. Head over to code “KKP” for 15% off entire store Organifi Go to to get my favorite way to easily get the most potent blend of high vibration fruits, veggies and other goodies into your diet! Click that link and use code “KKP” at checkout for 20% off your order! To Work With Kyle Kingsbury Podcast Connect with Kyle: Twitter: @KINGSBU Fit For Service Academy App: Fit For Service App Instagram: @livingwiththekingsburys - Odysee: Youtube: Kyle Kingbury Podcast Kyles website: - Gardeners of Eden site Like and subscribe to the podcast anywhere you can find podcasts. Leave a 5-star review and let me know what resonates or doesn’t.


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Welcome back to the podcast everybody.


Today's guest is the return of Greg Schmouse.


And I don't know how many times it's been three or four with him.


Greg is a guy who's constantly learning, constantly educating himself and constantly


getting his medicine out in the world in various ways and he's just created a


phenomenal program that I'm really happy to share with you guys and we tease out quite a bit of the medicine from this program that gets us to start thinking in different ways, archetypically about our life and how to operate.


And I was just pulling the fuck away I mean he hit me up to come back I'm like yeah you know tell me about it you know they would do a little call and I was I was I was fucking excited and so I know you guys are going to love this episode


Definitely we'll have his stuff links in the show note so if you really want a deep dive the conversation that we have and learn for yourself


I highly recommend studying with Greg.


He's got it available online and and let me know.


Let me know if you start this program, I'd love to hear about it.


Hit me up at living with the Kingsbury's on Instagram or at Kingsboo on Twitter and say,


yeah, I've started this program X rather, you say I started Greg's program and it's done X, Y, and Z for me.


I know it's going to be super transformative for people


and I'm super excited to be able to help him get the word out on that.


And I'm super excited.


This episode is fucking red and that people will learn a lot just from listening to this one in terms of framing and understanding things about our own life.


It's a it was just a gem. I was starting to think through a whole ton of shit around myself so very very excited about it support this


podcast by sharing it with a friend leave us a five-star rating with one or two


ways the shows helped you out in life and support our sponsors these guys make


this show fiscally possible I love them all hand selected these guys


Our first sponsor of today's episode is Caldera


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