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ACFM Microdose: The Joy Of Fascism

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 15 September 2024

⏱️ 87 minutes

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A month after racist riots engulfed the country, the ACFM crew ask what fascism – and antifascism – look like in Britain today. Do the riots and counter-protests mark a return to “street politics”? Why didn’t the Labour party align itself with opponents of the pogroms? And how popular are extreme rightwing views among Britain’s frustrated […]

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This is acid bad. Hello and welcome to ACFM Today, we are going to a


I'm Jeremy Gilbert. I'm here as always with my friend Nardia Idol


Hello and Kere Milburn.




And today we are going to be offering some response reflection and analysis on what was probably the big political event of the summer in the UK which was the proto fascist pogroms we might call them and the


response to them that took place a few weeks ago on the streets of various


towns and cities of Britain.


And we thought it was appropriate for us to make some response to this,


partly because we have done an episode on fascism very recently


and also done one on humility in which we got into themes around


humiliation which we think is also quite relevant to thinking about this topic so


before we get any further, maybe we should talk about, for the benefit of anyone who might


not know, exactly what it is that happened that we will be talking about and maybe a little bit about how each of us


experienced it. So Kiir do you want to talk us through what actually took place?


Yeah we should probably start with the the mass stabbings in in Southport that happened on the 29th of July this year.


Almost a month ago now from when we're recording this in which a young 17 year old looks like having a psychotic episode broke into a sort of Taylor Swift themed dance class for young girls and killed three children and attacked 10 other people, eight of whom are


children and two adults. A really horrific horrendous attack. But what


followed that was a series of rumors primarily spread on the internet, which


claimed that the attacker was firstly a Muslim and second, an asylum seeker who just arrived on the boat these small


boats is a really big thing in UK politics is basically I would call it a moral


panic which has been engineered by the press.


The BBC has a small boats correspondent, some absolute arsehole who stands on beaches of


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