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Novara FM: Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living w/ Sarah Jaffe

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 12 September 2024

⏱️ 74 minutes

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“Don’t mourn, organise” were the final words of American labour activist Joe Hill before his execution in 1915. But sometimes our feelings of grief don’t lend themselves to good organising – sometimes we might just want revenge. In her forthcoming book, critic and journalist Sarah Jaffe looks at the many kinds of grief that shape our […]

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I'm Craig Gent, North of England Editor at Navarro Media, and on the 21st of September I'll be joined by Navarro's co-founder Aaron Bastani at How the Light gets in, the annual festival of ideas at Kenwood House in London. We'll be talking about the promise and danger of the algorithm, the technological and social force that organises what we see online, but not only that... the It's a question I explore in my new book, CyberBoss, the rise of algorithmic management and a new struggle for control at work.


But we'll also be talking about culture, politics, and whether we're beginning to see a rejection of the technology that


organises life online.


Join us on Saturday the 21st of September at How the Light gets in


alongside some world-leading thinkers, politicians, philosophers, scientists and artists, including the likes


of Carla Denia, Sadiq Khan and Gary Stevenson.


If you're listening to this, you can get a 20% discount on festival tickets. Head over to how the light gets in


dot org and enter the exclusive promo code nML 24 for discounted tickets.


We hope to see you there. The F. F. F. F. F. Joel Emmanuel Hudland, better known to history as Joe Hill, was a songwriter and an activist. He was an itinerant worker on the docks and the railways of


turn of the century America and a member of the Union, the industrial workers of the world.


It was a time of sharp contradiction between organized workers and the police.


Eventually in 1914, Joe Hill was hauled up before the courts and then convicted, many people think flimsily and


falsely on a murder charge.


He was executed by firing squad on November the 19th of 1915 at Utah's Sugar House prison.


But before he was killed, he reportedly cautioned his friend not to focus his energies on grief.


Don't morn, mourn organize he said. Another organizer at the time Mary


Harris Jones or Mother Jones had in 1992 been called the most dangerous woman in America for her role in


organizing child labourers and miners and mill workers for better conditions.


She had a different take to Joe Hill.


She commanded us to pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.


In a time of mass crisis, when catastrophes come piling in on top of one another, sometimes


it seems like there's barely time to count the dead, let alone mourn them.


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