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ACFM Trip 42: Fascism

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 21 April 2024

⏱️ 113 minutes

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A lot of people are saying that fascism is on the rise. But what are we pointing to when we call a system, or a person, fascist? On this Trip, Nadia, Keir and Jem map out a complicated ideology, from its roots in 19th century industrialisation to its resurgence in ethnonationalism and eco-apartheid. Exploring how […]

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Hello, weird lefties. It's Nadia here. Before we launch into the episode, some news for you.


Next month in May 2024, we'll be taking ACFM to How the Light Gets in, the festival of philosophy and music which is taking place this year in the beautiful hay on why.


We'll be recording an ACFM episode live at 1.30 PM on Bank Holiday Monday the 27th of May on the topic of destiny.


Can we ever have control over our destinies or do social conditions always control our lives?


And perhaps it's your destiny to join us on the banks of the River Y on that bank holiday weekend. You can buy tickets to how the


light gets in on the festival website how the light gets in.org. And ACFM


listeners can get 20% of festival passes by using a special code at the


checkout, Novara 20. Now on with a show.


This is After Club. Welcome to ACFM, the home of the weird left. I'm Nadia Eidel and I'm joined as usual by


Kiea Milburn. Hello and Jeremy Gilbert. Hello. And today we're tackling the subject of fascism. So guys why are we


talking about fascism today? Because we thought we'd had enough fun.


Yes, we don't have a nice grim topic to round off our frivolity.


No, to get serious for a moment, it's because there's a rise of the far right globally basically


probably over the last 10 years particularly over the last sort of five years you might say as


the sort of the left project got defeated in various ways around the turn of the decade.


The far right are likely to do very well in the European elections this year and


the left slightly to do badly.


There's also a fairly strong possibility of a


second Trump presidency. We can discuss later on whether all these things are fascist or not,


but these are certainly the contemporary far right.


You have leaders such as Maloney in Italy whose party directly traces back to


Mussolini's party.


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