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Novara FM: London’s Endless Appetite w/ Jonathan Nunn and Amardeep Singh Dhillon

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 18 April 2024

⏱️ 74 minutes

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London is a foodie metropolis: undoubtedly one of the best places to eat in the world. But eating in London is also, like everything else in the city, shaped by its history as the capital of a globe-spanning empire. How did the contraction of this formal empire change infamously terrible British cuisine? How did multiculturalism […]

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We've already had some really great messages.


Osama wrote in to talk about how the housing crisis had forced them to move to a country with rent controls.


And someone else suggested that the real political challenge of the housing crisis


is how to decentralize Britain away from London.


We've also had many other great messages. We do read them all. Thank you so much for


writing. But I do regret to inform you that we're not going to solve our London


Centricity in this episode. That's FM at navigator.com. Thanks for listening. Hello and welcome to Navarro FM. My name is Eleanor Penny. What we eat, where we eat and who we eat with can tell us a lot about the texture of our lives, how we answer the fundamentally political


questions around how we live together. But so much of food writing ignores those


questions of who makes the food that sustains us, who grows it, who owns the land and who profits.


A standard restaurant review might keep you in the loop about a new small plate's hole in the wall in a gentrifying part of town, but it probably


won't tell you about the real history of its food, the lives of its workers, or the political


and social relationships that make its existence possible.


The book London Feeds itself, recently republished by Fitzc Geraldo Editions, is trying to change


that narrative, to rethink what food writing can do.


Travelling from community halls to churches to cantines,


from the docklands of East London to suburban shopping centres,


to the


Caffes of the North Circular. This collection of essays


examines how communities across the city sustain themselves


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