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ACFM Trip 45: Holidays

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 25 August 2024

⏱️ 109 minutes

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Everybody hates a tourist, as Jarvis Cocker once pointed out, and the ACFM gang are no exception in this ACFM Trip exploring the allure of holidays. Keir, Jem and Nadia consider all the different ways we avoid work, from holy days and vay-cays to grand tours and gap yahs. Does travel make fools of us all, or […]

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This is an action club. Hello and welcome to ACFM the home of the weird left my name is Kia Milburn and I'm joined as usual by my very good friend Nadia Idol


Hello and my other very good friend Jeremy Gilbert hello and today Hello. Folks, why are we talking about holidays or what do we want to say about holidays perhaps is the best way to put it?


We like to choose a relatively timely or topical subject a lot of the time and it's the summer, lots of people going to be going on holiday.


And there's a lot of interesting concepts related to the notion of the holiday and the word holiday.


So we're going to talk a bit about that and talk a bit about


concepts around travel concepts around tourism there's an awful lot there it says it's


very much a barometer of cultural change in a way,


changing ideas about what a holiday is, like who decides and what it's for, I think.


Yeah, I agree. That's all really super interesting for I think. Yeah I agree that's all really super interesting I think for me also I'd want to add more


specifically like who goes on holiday and who gets to go on holiday and not just I think like like Jeremy said a barometer of time but like where


different people come from and what your conception of a holiday is and how that


might be different to a break or other sorts of travel that you're engaged in.


And then of course, as always, we're interested in the politics of this and power and how that relates to


time, which is a topic that comes up a lot and the concept of free time


are the same thing and also specifically the issue about free time being translated as going away, going away from where you


normally spend time is in general how we conceptualize a holiday until the staycation comes into play but we'll talk about that and the politics around that a little bit later.


What about you, Kiir? Oh yes that's all very good. I am a noted holiday sceptic.


Perhaps... Well here we go.


Yeah, I actually do enjoy holidays, but I always have a bit of ambiguity.


I don't like being a tourist.


And I've got over that little bit, we can discuss that a bit later so I need you


to tell me what's so good about about holidays and tourism etc and that's what we


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