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Aliens and Christianity with Tyler McNabb

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

Jimmy Akin

Science, Society & Culture, Documentary, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.82.5K Ratings

🗓️ 4 October 2023

⏱️ 30 minutes

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In this bonus episode, Tyler McNabb of Furthering Christendom welcomes Jimmy Akin on his show to discuss the topic of alien life and its implications for Christianity.

The post Aliens and Christianity with Tyler McNabb appeared first on StarQuest Media.

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Welcome to Further In Christendom. I'm your host Tyler McNabb and I'm here today with


the special guest Jimmy Akin. How you doing today? I'm just fine. Thank you for having me Tyler.


Great to have you on here. For those who don't know, we've done a couple of talks together


on Cameron Bertuzzi's YouTube channel, both on aliens and Oppenheimer, the movie, right?


So we've had some fun discourse in the past and yeah, just thought I'd go ahead and buy


Jimmy to come on. Jimmy is just walking in cyclopedia and has lots of information about whatever you


want to know. Like it could be the most like my new or in each thing in the world and Jimmy has


an opinion on it and he's read a book on it. Well, maybe, but I do the best I can.


So it's awesome to have Jimmy on here. So yeah, Jimmy, I'm going to ask just kind of start off with


talk about aliens. Okay. Why might someone believe that aliens exist? Well, there are a number of


possible grounds for it. One of them goes back considerably far in history. You know, in the


ancient world, it was not understood exactly how big the cosmos is or what the stars are.


In the, for example, in the in the Ptolemaic understanding of the cosmos, you had the earth


at the center based on Aristotle's theory that matter seeks its relevant point in the cosmos.


And since the element of earth was the heaviest of all the elements, that would gravitate,


that they didn't have the concept of gravity, but that would end up in the center. And then around


that, you'd have the water, which is where we get the oceans and around that, you'd have the air,


which is the atmosphere. And then around that, you'd have a sphere of fire. And then beyond that,


you had this eternal realm where there didn't really seem to be a lot of change. Everything happened


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