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Ask Charlie Anything 107 with Special Guest Kyle Rittenhouse: Kyle Breaks Some BIG News? Guns at 21-Years-Old? What Happened to Paul Ryan? Should Christians Watch Ozark?

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 6 June 2022

⏱️ 37 minutes

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Charlie takes the questions you email him at [email protected] and starts off this episode of Ask Charlie Anything with a very special guest, Kyle Rittenhouse. The two discuss the importance of the 2nd amendment during this contentious time following Uvalde, including his now viral tweet that defended his right to bear arms that night in Kenosha. Audience members send in their questions for Kyle including: What time does Kyle wake up? What is he doing with his time lately? What college does Kyle plan on attending? Is Kyle dating? And what does he plan on doing next with his project, The Media Accountability Project (TMAP.org)? Next up, Charlie answers non-Kyle related questions including: What should religious and faith-filled people do when it comes to otherwise enriching content that contains intermittent explicit and/or sexual content such as "Ozark?" Since adults can't drink until they're 21, should we move the legal age to purchase firearms back to 21-years-old as well? What on earth happened to Paul Ryan? And MORE!

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Hey, everybody. On this Monday episode of the Charlie Kirk show, I take your questions that you


have emailed me, Freedom at Charlie Kirk.com. And we have a special guest to start our Ask Me Anything


episode. Kyle Writtenhouse makes some big announcements. And then I take your questions,


should Christians watch content that involves swearing and potentially sexually explicit content?


What happened to Paul Ryan? That's a tough, tough thing for me to talk about. That and so much more.


Even on your thoughts as always, Freedom at Charlie Kirk.com. I love when you subscribe, so thank you


for subscribing. Get your friends to do the same and support the Charlie Kirk show at Charlie Kirk.com


slash support and get involved with Turning Point USA today at tpusa.com, tpusa.com.


Sort of high school or college chapter today at tpusa.com. Buckle up everybody here. We go. Charlie,


what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we


are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's run in the White House folks. I want to thank


Charlie's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job.


Building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created Turning Point USA. We will not embrace


the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives. And we are going to fight for freedom


on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. Brought to you by the Lonexpert I Trust,


Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Andrew and Todd.com. Look who I found at our


Young Women's Leadership Summit. Hey, Charlie. How's it going? Have you been? It's been a very


long time since I seen you. I feel like I see you every couple of months now. It's been a while.


I would I ran into you very briefly at the 2000 mules airing. Yep. And you were being mobbed.


So, well, so were you Charlie? I got out of there though. There's too many people.


Yeah. For those of you listening, you say, I know that voice. That's Kyle Rittenhouse.


Everybody. Kyle, welcome back to the program. And you look like you're doing great.


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