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'Drag Your Kids to Pride' and the Left's Fixation on Sexualizing Our Children

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 6 June 2022

⏱️ 34 minutes

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After reflecting on the ten-year anniversary of Turning Point USA, a movement Charlie began all the way back in 2012 that has gone on to become the most successful, well-organized effort to mobilize young Americans to love the country and the values it was founded on, Charlie reacts to a story out of Dallas, TX which perfectly showcases why we need TPUSA to fight and win the culture war more than ever. After rolling some tape of the 'Drag Your Kids to Pride' event that took place over the weekend, which saw 5-year-olds and even toddlers sit in a bar alongside 'Drag Queens' engaging in sexually explicit performances and even engaging in the act with them, he unpacks how we got here, highlights one marxist philosopher whose views on sexuality are truly repulsive, walks through who is complicit in all of this, and ultimately shares his thoughts on where we need to go from here if we hope to survive as a nation much longer. 

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Hello everybody today in the Charlie Kirk show 10 years at Turning Point USA. Thank you for all of you that have supported us and gotten involved you should get involved at tpusa.com


I reflect on that a little bit and then we talk about the story at a Dallas, Texas of the drag queen.


Show I guess and children showing up at a bar parents bringing them is just unbelievable.


What does this mean for our culture at large and one psychologist you should get familiar with.


That I think every parent should know about and should be aware that his insidious ideas are infiltrating every corner of society.


Email me your thoughts as always freedom at Charlie Kirk.com. If you'd like to subscribe to the Charlie Kirk show podcast make sure you type in Charlie Kirk show and hit subscribe in the upper right hand corner.


And again get involved at Turning Point USA at tpusa.com for a gift of any amount the offer is about to end you get your free copy of the conservative response to the great reset.


Buckle up everybody here we go Charlie what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses.


I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks.


I want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy. His spirit is love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created turning point USA.


We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.


That's why we are here.


Brought to you by the Lonexpert I trust Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific mortgage at Andrew and Todd dot com yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of turning point USA.


And so now we are in our 10th year praise God and it's been an amazing journey. Thank you to all of you that have supported us at turning point USA.


Thank you for all of us that have made our journey possible. Thank you for our students our staff.


The impact for turning point USA is just incredible and it is growing by the day.


We just finished our young women's leadership summit just a day and a half ago in Dallas, Texas 2500 young conservative women activists from across America.


Incredible and we have some big announcements coming up this week and so thank you for those of you that have been behind us and so incredible.


We have chapters all across America hundreds of thousands of students involved at turning point USA.


Nearing over a thousand high school chapters were very close to that college chapters all across America over 500 full time and part time employees over a hundred thousand donors to turning point USA.


That's right well over a hundred thousand people that have financially contributed to turning point USA, which puts us in a unique category in the conservative movement.


We have our daily programming that many of you support TPUSA live and it all started in 2012 thanks to amazing people Bill Montgomery and Foster Freeze were very, very thankful for that.


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