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Bigfoot's Big Adventure with Author John O'Connor

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 18 March 2024

⏱️ 53 minutes

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John O'Connor is the author of The Secret History of Bigfoot: Field Notes on a North American Monster, a cross-country adventure and investigation into the lore around Bigfoot as well as the personalities of those who spend their lives chasing this elusive creature. Get John's book here Producer and Editor: Miranda Zickler Associate Producer: Riley Swedelius-Smith Hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Go to factormeals.com/americanhysteria50 and use code americanhysteria50 and use code americanhysteria50 to get 50% off your order Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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And Bigfoot represents possibilities.


Says something positive about our willingness.


If a creature like that can exist in these landscapes and maybe we haven't destroyed them quite so early. Maybe there's


some hope for the American landscape. John O'Connor is a journalist and author of one of my favorite books of the year,


The Secret History of Bigfoot, Field Notes on a North American monster, which is an investigation


into the king of all cryptids, but even more so into what this elusive being means to those who seek


proof of its existence.


John spent a year traveling the country, meeting, talking to, and camping with all kinds of


bigfooters to get to the heart of why a new Bigfoot craze has swelled up in recent years, looking at the phenomenon through a lens of


psychology, sociology, politics, science, history, and through the writings of those who have meditated on the


question of belief itself. Today, John and I talk about the different types of Bigfoot believers and skeptics, how the fantastical


arena of politics we find ourselves in today has allowed this story to take on new life and why Bigfoot matters to those


who spend their lives chasing this mythical beast. I'm your host Chelsea Weber Smith and this is American




Hi John, thank you so much for joining me today.


I am happy to beat her.


You know, I have to say that I have been reading your book and it's not only so interesting kind of the information that


you've gathered and the interviews that you've done, but it's just like kind of a beautiful


on the road in America book, which is one of my favorite. a beautiful


written book, in America book, which is one of my favorite genres.


So I just want people to know this is like a beautifully written book


with so much heart, and I don't know, I just absolutely loved it so thank you for writing it.


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