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Comedy & Consequences: How to Win the Culture War with Alex Stein & Terry Schilling

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 7 June 2022

⏱️ 34 minutes

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In the wake of what seems to be a relentless onslaught against western norms and conservative values in the United States, Charlie interviews two relentless fighters who are determined to shift the tide back towards a more traditional America. First, Alex Stein—one of the most hilarious and effective new voices on the scene—for a recap of what he saw at the 'Drag Your Kids to Pride' event in Dallas, TX. Alex and Charlie discuss how we can defeat cultural marxism with humor and mockery and why it matters so much to be a happy warrior in a time of civil strife and darkness. Next, he's joined by Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project to talk about what he and his important group are doing to push Republicans back to embracing true conservatism and why holding these soft, capitulating members of our movement is the only way we can hope to truly defeat the left. 

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Hey, everybody, it's the other Charlie Kirk show Alex Stein number 99 a satirist and


comedian who actually exposed the despicable


drag queen situation and Dallas joins our program and then we have Terry Schilling who talks about how we can properly pressure Republicans


kind of veer off course email me or thoughts as always freedom at charliekirk.com


Support the Charlie Kirk show by opening your podcast app and typing in Charlie Kirk show and hitting subscribe in the upper right hand corner


Charlie Kirk show and hit subscribe get involved with turning point USA today at


tpusa.com that is tpusa.com


Get engaged get involved sort of high school or college chapter go to tpusa.com


That is tpusa.com


Give a gift of any amount and get a copy of the conservative response to the great reset and come to our student action summit


tpusa.com slash s a s that is tpusa.com slash s a s


Buckle up everybody here. We go Charlie what you've done is incredible here


maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk.


Charlie Kirk is running the White House folks.


I want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy. His spirit is love of this country. He's done an amazing job


building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created turning point USA.


We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom


on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.


Brought to you by Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage for personalized loan services you can count on go to


Andrew and Todd.com the wonderful Andrew and Todd.com


You probably saw the viral video over the last couple days we covered extensively yesterday of the drag show for kids in Dallas, Texas


There is one man who actually went to the or tried to go to intervene and be an adult and do what was actually necessary.


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