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Context Clues: The King is Dead Probably

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 26 August 2024

⏱️ 49 minutes

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The idea that Elvis Presley did not die in August of 1977, that he instead faked his death, has become one of the most famous and enduring conspiracy theories of all time, essentially elevating the former superstar to the status of a cryptid. For this context clues episode, we are revisiting our 2022 episode called Fangirls which covers the rise of music fandom, including Elvis'. Next week we will explore the bizarre, fantastical creation of the Elvis is Alive movement and the many strange players that brought this tale into the conspiracy theory hall of fame. Become a Patron to support our show and get early ad-free episodes and bonus content Or subscribe to American Hysteria on Apple Podcasts Sound design and Production by Riley Swedelius-Smith Edited by Miranda Zickler Hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Welcome to this installment of Context Clues, where we share previous episodes in a new light to give


you some important background information for our upcoming topic.


I'm your host, Chossi Weber Smith,


and this is American Hysteria.


The idea that Elvis Presley did not die on August 16th, 1977 at the young age of 42, that he instead faked his death to either escape the perils of


fame or to flee into witness protection, has become one of the most popular and enduring conspiracy theories of all time.


Becoming a profitable and entertaining ongoing story for tabloids and talk shows. This Elvis, the allegedly


alive Elvis, has reached the status of a cryptid, with apparent sightings of the former king of rock and roll,


still popping up to this day, the way we might hear of a Bigfoot or a UFO caught on grainy tape.


Believers, or alivers, as they're referred to,


pour over the public documents surrounding Elvis's somewhat suspicious autopsy reports and


testimonials around the heart attack that they do not believe killed their beloved post-war pop star.


The story of how this conspiracy theory gained traction is a truly weird one.


replete with characters you'll have to hear about to believe.


Some of the evidence manufactured by those


with a vested interest in bringing the impossibly lucrative star back to life, as well as those


who seem earnest in their seeking, dedicating their lives to exposing the truth, some of them to this very day.


For this installment of context clues, I thought it was best for us to listen to a previous episode in full, to get ourselves


in the mindset of those who dreamed of a different outcome for this beloved musician.


Because, despite the distressing things we now understand about his past, both personally and politically, the fact remains that his music and persona


changed the lives of millions of people, especially girls and women who found a new kind of freedom in the rock and roll fandom.


Like Frank Sinatra before him, like the Beatles after him,


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