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Cosmetic Marketing Tricks – Episode 220

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 14 May 2020

⏱️ 30 minutes

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Hello & welcome to the Beauty Brains, a show where real cosmetic chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an insider’s look at the cosmetic industry. This is episode 220. Host: Perry Romanowski 7 Marketing Tricks that are Costing you Money Natural product nonsense Clean beauty con Salon brand secrets The Pricing Ploy […]

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Hi, I'm Perry, and this is the Beauty Brains.


Hello, and welcome to the beauty brains a show where real cosmetic


chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an


insider's look at the cosmetic industry. This is episode 220. I'm your host


Perry Romanowski and today is a solo show. Valerie is off troubleshooting


production challenges.


Ah, the exciting life of a cosmetic chemist.


It involves a lot more than just mixing up chemicals in a lab.


Now since it's a solo show I thought I'd experiment with


something a little different so instead of just answering random questions


which of course we very much appreciate getting.


In fact, if you would like to get your question answered on a future show,


you can do that by recording a voice memo on your smartphone and then emailing it to us at


the beauty brains at gmail.com. Anyway instead of going through and just answering questions. I want to try to use today's show as a way to educate


you as a beauty shopper and I want to arm you with what I'm calling the Beauty Brains BS detector.


Whenever you're out there making beauty product choices, I want you to consider


these things before you make that purchase. The beauty product


marketers are savvy and they really have very specific ways of tricking you


into spending your hard-earned money on what they're selling.


That's not to say that the products aren't helpful or even fun to use,


but more often than not, they are really trying to trick you into spending more money for a product


that is only equal to or maybe even inferior to one that costs a lot less money.


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