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Do bond builders for hair really work? Episode 216

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 9 April 2020

⏱️ 44 minutes

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The Beauty Brains episode 216 featuring cosmetic chemists Valerie George and Perry Romanowski. Beauty questions covered today include: How do bond builders work? Is sodium coco sulfate more gentle than SLS? Does men’s antiperspirant better than women’s? Beauty Science Avon launches a new CBD skin care line. R+Co just launched a CBD Beauty Questions Question […]

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Hi, I'm Valerie, and you're listening to the Beauty Brains.


Welcome to the Beauty Brains, a show where real cosmetic chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an insider's look at the cosmetic


industry. This is episode 216. I'm your host Valerie George and with me today is a man who once


appeared on the tonight show playing the ukulele while balancing a hat on his nose.


Perry Romanowski. Hi Perry.


Hello, Valerie. That was a fun time.


We'll have to hear more about it. Anyway, today we have a few interesting beauty questions of cover,


including How do bond


builders work is sodium cocoa sulfate more gentle than SLS and does men's


antipurant work better than women's and of course we're going to cover some beauty science


news too, but first how are you holding up? You know I'm doing all right you remember


how last last show I mentioned I was reading Gone with the Wind


well I finished the book.


Oh wow that's great congratulations.


Thank you and it was fabulous although an ending, I have to say.


Well, no spoiler.


No, no spoilers.


And how are you doing?


I'm doing good, holding up okay, getting used to just how things are going. You know work is extra busy I think because


everyone's working from home so that makes it a little challenging versus if I'm just working from home so it's


a lot of emails a lot of video meetings a lot of video meetings yeah it's


interesting I have a lot of coworkers who I'd say go the full mile in getting ready and


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