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Does Scott Peterson Have Brain Damage?

Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything



4.64.8K Ratings

🗓️ 26 August 2024

⏱️ 60 minutes

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Katherine's Telling Everybody Everything about breaking her rule of NOT passively consuming femicide for entertainment. The haunting documentary about the disappearance of Laci Peterson brought back memories of seeing the story on the news in real time, and offered new insights into a theory we have about what might be wrong with Scott Peterson's actual BRAIN. Plus, your letters on bringing young ones to Frozen, Sliding Door Problems, High-Achieving Women being annoyed by everyone else, a garbage-fire of a boyfriend who is pushing his lady to make 'friends' with his exes, and why Katherine should stop giving medical advice. x

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Hello and welcome to another episode of telling everybody everything this is the Friday


questions and answers episode and you are receiving it on a bank holiday Monday.


Thank you so much for really supporting the style with which I do things.


You never know when you're going to get a podcast for me.


Like you will get it. You will be getting it and it's going to take you by medium surprise.


It's cold now. I hope that wherever you are you have the day off. Most businesses seem to even when they are not banks.


Every business apart from the Creative Arts takes bank holiday Mondays off. If you are listening from another country,


what we do in the UK is every once in a while nobody leaves the house on a Monday


and sometimes that's related to the Queen and other times it's not it's


just I don't know the country decides mmm people need a rest today I think just


start taking every Monday off because it's really confusing


Miriam the babysitter she'll hit me up once in a while and be like oh it's bank holiday


Monday well how am I supposed to know that I am a creative genius I broke a nail nail shops closed. I'd like to get


Fred's haircut today. The hair cutting place is closed. What is the point?


It's kind of Jewish, actually, to have a bank holiday Monday because they rest wholly on the Sabbath.


I think Shabbas is a really family friendly thing to do, but they have other rules


attached to it that I think that we should bring in to our bank


holiday Mondays because we're nearly there. We are nearly there. You can't go


anywhere. Everywhere is closed. You can't do any of your errands even though


you're home and you've got your kids but there's nowhere


really to take them in a Jewish like Orthodox I mean there are different levels of Judaism


where you don't have to do this.


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