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Downstream: We Have Enabled Putin w/ Anne Appelbaum

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 10 September 2024

⏱️ 60 minutes

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Political scientists agree that we are now living in a “multipolar” world, with power contested by multiple states and blocs. But how we arrived at this formation, and whether the newly powerful actors on the global stage are inherently problematic, remain areas of disagreement. Someone with has a distinct perspective on this new world order […]

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I'm Craig Gent, North of England Editor at Navarro Media, and on the 21st of September I'll be joined by Navarro's co-founder Aaron Bistani at How the Light gets in, the annual festival of ideas at Kenwood House in London. We'll be talking about the promise and danger of the algorithm, the technological and social force that organises what we see online, but not only that... the It's a question I explore in my new book, CyberBoss, the rise of algorithmic management and a new struggle for control at work.


But we'll also be talking about culture, politics, and whether we're beginning to see a rejection of the technology that


organises life online.


Join us on Saturday the 21st of September at How the Light gets in


alongside some world-leading thinkers, politicians, philosophers, scientists and artists, including the likes of Carlardeneer,


Sadiq Khan and Gary Stevenson.


If you're listening to this, you can get a 20% discount on festival tickets. Head over to how the light gets in


dot org and enter the exclusive promo code nML 24 for discounted tickets.


We hope to see you there. We live in a multi-polar world where power, whether it's economic, political,


cultural, is seeping away from the United States and moving elsewhere.


Where is it going?


Primarily, China, Southeast Asia, Russia,


other parts of the world too.


And today's guests has some issues with that.


They're particularly concerned about the rise of an autocratic international as they call it


Autocracy Inc. That's a set of countries which are intent on crafting a different kind of global order and all


while trying to undermine democratic values and norms but perhaps ironically


using a global financial architecture built by the West.


They embezzle money and enrich themselves using the apparatus, the assets, the processes, the institutions of places just like the United




Now you know my views on multiplearity, I think it's generally a good thing of course not everyone


agrees so that's why we're having this conversation and Applebaum welcome to


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