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Dreams and Why High Performance Women Cheat

Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything



4.64.8K Ratings

🗓️ 8 November 2023

⏱️ 66 minutes

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Katherine's Telling Everybody Everything about how to analyse dreams by writing down as many details as possible and putting 'YOU' and your perspective in each character's place. A successful woman in a happy marriage shares her story on the other side of an affair and WOW we are floored by it. Plus, your letters xx

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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We all know how I feel about wine. Wine is a huge part of my personality and my favorite way to responsibly unwind at the end or beginning of a busy day.


Would you like a free case of exclusive wines this Christmas?


My good friends at Wine 52 are offering you a free case of three beautiful wines


from Portugal's most renowned wine producing region, Dao.


All you need to do is go to wine 52.com slash Ryan, that's wine 5.2.com. The numbers 5.2.com, the numbers, 5.2.com slash


R.A. and my last name and cover the postage costs of 995


and you'll get three bottles delivered to your door.


I absolutely love Wine 52. Each month they visit a new country


a region and tell its story on the pages of Glug magazine, creating the ultimate immersive


wine discovery experience. A de de Silguerios Ritas is a vibrant and refreshing white wine bursting with fresh grape and ripe citrus aromas.


Subtle hints of pineapple add depth and complexity balanced by a


crisp acidity. Let me try it now and tell you if I agree.


Oh yes, that is a nice wine. I do love a crisp wine with citrus aromas.


All right, this is Americo Tinto de Kasa. Americo, it's a medium-bodied red, just like me, with a distinct and exquisite


character. This wine boasts a harmonious fusion of flavors, presenting a delightful


tapestry of black fruit, spiciness, and a mellow texture.


And can I tell you this?


I shied away from Reds for a bit and I'm back into Reds.


Back into Reds.


Let's see how this one. I cut it out but I did cleanse the boosh in between both by


smelling coffee beans and rinsing my mouth and this is a lovely red. both by to keep it medium. Really nice, mellow texture. So you will have the choice of mixed, red only, or white only case. Along with the


wines and Glug magazine you will get two tasty snacks. After your free case you will join the


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