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Ebony and Irony: All Stars 7 Premiere

Ebony and Irony

Starburns Audio

Comedy, Comedy Interviews

4.81.8K Ratings

🗓️ 27 May 2022

⏱️ 63 minutes

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This week Bunny and Monét talk about the premiere episodes of All Stars and talk about the looks and performances. They also talk about the Violet controversy after reviewing the runway looks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starbeans come here!


I'm fit to print, get ready


We're gonna talk some shit


Hello, hello, hello ladybun tree, how are you?


I'm good Monet, I've been watching you on Drag Race and now I'm actually speaking with you in person. Have you been enjoying the exposure?


I have been enjoying Drag Race a whole lot this season. This is, as you all know, my third time back.


I have very fond memories of Drag Race. Every time I've gone to Drag Race, I've had a good time in this time as an exception.


This is so celebratory, the judges room, even the whole camera crew.


You've been to Drag Race before you've done some sense with Drag You and your shenanigans stunt, but your funeral on All Stars 4.


The camera crew and everyone there, they've been a team that have been working for a long time.


A lot of people have been there for years and over like 10 years at this point.


Sarge, Jake, all those people. It is going back to see friends and family again, weirdly enough.


I'm having a great time just remembering doing it.


So do you think that since you've all won before that you won your seasons or you have won yours?


And what's with tragedy? Do you think that because you've already established yourselves by winning, that this is kind of like...


Of course they say this, this is the upper echelon, this is the creme de la creme.


Do you think you've been to the creme?


No, not her, never her.


And may I just know that...


I saw her show, by the way, it was great. Her show, I'm ready to be committed, I think it's called.


It is so funny, it's so brilliant. If she comes to your town, I'm sure she'll probably be in P-Town or something like that.


It is such a great show, Vendel Le Crème show, really funny, really smart.


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