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Ebony and Irony: Georden West

Ebony and Irony

Starburns Audio

Comedy, Comedy Interviews

4.81.8K Ratings

🗓️ 28 October 2022

⏱️ 58 minutes

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This week, Bunny talks to writer/director Georden West about the film Playland to tell the story about the Boston bar. Bunny plays a role in the film and talks about preparing for her Operatic lipsync on set. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Jordan, it is Lady Bunny, how wonderful to be reconnected with Jordan West, who directed me in a major motion picture.


Well, a feature film, let's say that. How are you, Jordan? We're here to discuss play-layer.


I haven't seen you since last September.


Yeah, I know, it's been a whole year.


Do I just look at your older or younger?


Well, your hair is darker, but mine is grayer, so whatever, you know.


I know, but no, I just am so grateful to get to talk to you, and still, it was an amazing opportunity to get to direct you in our major motion picture.


Well, you know, I mean, it was lots of fun for me, too. In this film, Playland, I am not playing Lady Bunny, so that might be different for some people.


But I spoke with Russell, the producer, and he told me that someone was telling him after seeing a rough cut that, you know, in the film, I lip-sync to an opera number.


And I was so worried about it, because I didn't, you know, it was in German, for what thing?


And, you know, it was a lip-sync for your life situation, and I thought I was going to be dead.


But they said that when they saw the lip-sync, they were impressed by my breathing, and it was like an opera singer's breath, and you actually gave me a lesson, or two, with an opera singer from New York City to kind of like, you know, help me out with that.


So that was much appreciated. I enjoy being pushed in different directions. It's, you know, we all need some of it, don't we?


Yeah, yeah, I mean, I think when people see the film, we always get comments about how believable that lip-sync is.


It's like every time we screen it, they're like, oh, is she singing? And I'm like, no, but you are that believable.


So, and that's, you know, that's a sign that you did a fabulous job.


Well, I hope that rings true for other opera musicians. I don't know, it's because I'm not one, but I look forward to seeing it.


Now, you know, I was, I was kind of giggling because I did struggle with the music a little bit. There was one other song that I had trouble hearing what the different notes in the song, because it was a choral arrangement.


And I was like, is this the notes changing? Where does it? And then you all said, you all need to come in at different points. I was like, oh, it's finally you gave me an easy one.


And I was so glad when you filmed that scene with me kind of in the background. So if I got one wrong, it would, it would be blurred.


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