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Barbell Medicine Podcast

Episode #277: How-To Eat For Health and Performance

Barbell Medicine Podcast

Barbell Medicine

Health & Fitness

4.81.2K Ratings

🗓️ 6 March 2024

⏱️ 26 minutes

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Dr. Feigenbaum discusses how-to eat for health and performance to kick off National Nutrition Month!

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Welcome back to the Barbell Medicine Podcast. I'm Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum. I hope you've had a great week so far.


It's National Nutrition Month and on this podcast we're going to take a deep dive into how to eat for both health and performance.


Over the years we've discussed general recommendations and ideas about how to eat a health promoting dietary pattern,


but I wanted to go a bit further and create an actionable set of


nutrition guidelines for you guys to take home and, you know, do them.


It's no secret that the types and amount of food that we eat have a substantial impact


on health and performance. While there's a lot of nutrition information available, much of it is confusing and in many


cases not well supported by scientific evidence.


Fortunately, there's a lot of overlap between a diet that is health promoting and one that also


supports high levels of physical performance. In this podcast we'll cover the


ins and outs of how to eat a diet that does both. To start, what is a healthy diet?


Now the aim of a healthy diet across the lifespan


is to promote normal growth and development


to improve and maintain robust health and function


throughout adulthood and to prevent or delay


the development of disease.


We'll use the term dietary pattern to describe the habitual average dietary intake


over long periods of time.


The 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee defines a dietary pattern as the quantities, proportions, variety, or combination of different foods, drinks, and nutrients in diets and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed.


Rather than focusing on single foods or nutrients that a person might eat occasionally,


the dietary pattern describes what they eat on average, or most of the time.


This can be beneficial for research aiming to identify


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