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Episode 322 - Is low molecular weight Hyaluronic acid bad? and other beauty questions

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 22 December 2022

⏱️ 47 minutes

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On today’s show we answer questions about:

  1. Low molecular weight Hyaluronic acid, is it a problem?
  2. What is different about products targeted to menopausal skin?
  3. Is lavender oil a problem in lip balm?
  4. Is blow drying better than air drying?

Beauty Science News

Are dove deodorant sprays causing cysts?

Beauty Questions:

Reddit discussion mentioned

Menopausal skin care

Hair drying time research

Four Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question

Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page

Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner

Have a great holiday!

Valerie & Perry, 44

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Hi, I'm Valerie, and you're listening to the Beauty Brains.


Welcome to the Beauty Brains, a show where real cosmetic chemists, answering your beauty product questions, and give you an insiders look at the


cosmetics industry. This is episode 322. Oh, we're winding the year down.


I'm your host, Valerie George, and with me today is Perry Romanowski.


Hi Perry.


Hello Valerie, so good to see you again in such a short time.


I know, we'll talk about that in a second. So good to see you again in such a short time.


I know. We'll talk about that in a second.


But first, we are going to recap or summarize what today's show is going to be about,


and that is low molecular weight, highlyuronic acid is it a problem what is different


about products targeted to menopausal skin is lavender oil a problem in lip balm


and is blow drying better than air drying but first that's


blow drying your hair is that your hands mmm great question we'll find out. We will.


Yeah, but first, I just saw you in Los Angeles in the city of angels, and you know it's so funny, we realized we hadn't seen each other in person in a few years,


but it was hard to believe because it was like, no way, I see you all the time.


I know, it's digital, it's almost like like it's almost like I know you but I'm very


I just know a digital version of you you could just be like an AI it's possible you were


an AI generated image here, but I saw you in person so I know you're real


I I'm real I am not fake but it was really good to see you to socialize and we were in town together although I live here


so I guess I'm always in town but we got a chance to be together because we had our annual


Society of Cosmetic Chemical Symposium that we were both attending.


That's right and it was a great time was had by all.


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