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Episode 327 - Salon hair care, cationic skin care, collagen threads and more

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 13 February 2023

⏱️ 43 minutes

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On today’s show we answer questions about:

  1. Cationic surfactants in skin care
  2. Even more salon hair care questions
  3. Skin pH
  4. And Collage treatment threads

Beauty News Stories

Mold found in a concealer - This is what happens when you rely of poor preservative systems

Blue light testing created. Is this really necessary?

Study they cite


J&J talc suit continues


The collagen string product

Four Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
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4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question

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on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page

Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner

Follow the new Porch Kitty Krew instagram account

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Hi, I'm Perry, and you're listening to the beauty brains a show where real cosmetic


chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an


insider's look at the cosmetic industry. This is episode 327. I'm your host


Perry Romanowski and with me today as always or as almost always Valerie


George hello Valerie. Hi Perry. always


always together then.


Yeah, we've been together then. Yeah, we've been together the last several, several episodes.


We've been doing pretty good.


160 shows today, 161, actually.


There you go.


Well, on today's show, we got a lot of great questions and we're going to be answering


questions about cationic surfactants in skin care products. We'll also


answer even more salon hair care questions.


Our last episode where we talked about salon products a little bit


prompted some, lots of questions.


So we'll answer some of those.


We'll also talk about skin pH and these nifty little collagen treatment threads.


But first, some of our famous chit chat Valerie I saw that the, I think it was the California SCC or somebody was sponsoring


something and you were going to be on some sort of panel, some show in LA.


Well, I have a couple things going on this month.


I am going to be on a panel for the Independent Beauty Association, which is a trade organization


I'm a committee member on.


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