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Episode 333 - Should adults use baby beauty products?

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 5 May 2023

⏱️ 43 minutes

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On today’s show we answer questions about:

  1. Products marketed for babies, how are they different?
  2. Will layering products reduce the effectiveness of AHAs
  3. Does HA dry out your skin?
  4. What’s the difference between Differin Gel and Tretinoin
  5. And what the heck is nanoplasty?

Beauty News

New technology? Peptides taking over the industry.

Oprah Winfrey x Sturm

Vegan hair care line - is that really a thing?

Four Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question

Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page

Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner

Follow the new Porch Kitty Krew instagram account

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Hi, I'm Perry, and you're listening to the beauty brains a show where real cosmetic


chemists answer your beauty product questions and give you an


insiders look at the cosmetic industry.


This is episode 333 and that's a palindrome.


I'm your host Perry Romanowski and with me today is Valerie George.


Hello Valerie.


Hi Perry. We could play where is Valerie now because you're


not in California are you? No I'm in Kansas. Well thank you for taking the time out of your busy traveling schedule to record today because on today's show


We're gonna be answering lots of fabulous questions sent in from our listeners and Patreon donors including our products marketed for babies


different than ones marketed for adults will layering products reduce the effectiveness of AHAs?


Does H-O-R-C-S dry out your skin?


What's the difference between Differin-Gell and Tretin-O-N and, what the heck is nanoplasty but first Valerie Kansas what's going


on in Kansas well technically I'm in Missouri but Kansas City Missouri and I'm going


back and forth between Kansas.


My ancestral homeland, my mom's side of the family portion of it, actually settled in Kansas


back when it wasn't even a state so pre-statehood.


They came down here. Yeah, pretty cool, huh? But anyway, I'm actually in Missouri,


just a couple miles from Kansas, and I'm at a show called the


Hand Crafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild Annual Convention. You and I were at the


Canadian version together. This is the American version.


Oh, well, that's fun. Yeah, and I'm getting to see familiar faces. I actually


just found out from one of my customers. I met them last year at the show. They came back this year. They said


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