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EMBody Radio

How Hardcore Fitness Can Make You Fat and How to Restore Metabolism After Years of Chronic Dieting | with Vince Pitstick and Emily Duncan

EMBody Radio

Emily Duncan

Embodyradio, Health & Fitness, Self-improvement, Nutrition, Health, Bikinicompetitions, Education, Wonderwomanmentality, Npcbikini, Fitness

4.91K Ratings

🗓️ 30 November 2023

⏱️ 84 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


Have you ever felt like your body and metabolism just "weren't the same" after years spend trying to diet and get "fit?" Has it ever felt like the more hardcore you got in your fitness pursuits, things actually started backfiring, and you started gaining weight uncontrollably that wouldn't come off, all while developing symptoms like bloating, food intolerances, anxiety, poor digestion, irregular or missing periods, chronic fatigue, and chronic inflammation? And if you said yes, have you ever felt hopeless or like you were destined to be overweight and tired for the rest of your life? Today's guest Vince Pitstick has worked with thousands of women like you and beyond. Vince has spent the last decade diving deep into functional health and nutrition to help with this exact problem. Since he set out on this mission, he's created Nutrition Dynamic, the largest 1-on-1 health coaching company in America, and co-founded Metabolic Mentor University, a program that helps hundreds of health + wellness coaches become certified in functional nutrition so they can carry out their mission of improving their clients' health and lives every single day.

On today's show, we're discussing functional nutrition and metabolism, diving into topics such as:

-why metabolism goes to shit when we diet for too long

-metabolic dysfunction,

-how a "hard core" fitness lifestyle can lead to more fat gain and worse health in the long term

- the concept of "metabolic forgiveness"

- the impact of our emotional state + mindset on food influences nutrient metabolism

- the path forward to restoring metabolism after years of chronic dieting, menopause, chronic illness, and more

Check out Vince on EMBody Radio: 5 Signs of Metabolic Dysfunction

Check out Vince on EMBody Radio: Post Contest Dieting and Metabolic Adaptation


Metabolic Mentor University YouTube Channel

Metabolic Mentor University

Interested in a luxury 1:1 online health coaching experience? Look no further than FENIX ATHLETICA, where we fuse science and soul for life-long transformation (inside AND out).

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Follow EMBody Radio on Instagram

Shop CURED NUTRITION CBD/Hemp wellness products with code EMILY.


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This is the premiere podcast for high-performing humans looking to elevate


themselves through real, raw, honest conversations. We are the hub for


inspiring and expansive chats about nutrition, wellness, spirituality, business,


relationships, and personal development. This show will leave you feeling


empowered in your ability to not just understand but truly embody what your


happiest, healthiest, highest self looks, feels, and acts like. Because when we


grow together, we glow together. I'm your host Emily Duncan and this is


Embody Radio. Well what is going on everyone? Welcome back to Embody Radio, the


premiere podcast for high-performing humans looking to truly embody their


happiest, healthiest, highest selves. I'm your host Emily Duncan. Welcome back to


another episode. I hope you're having a beautiful day, wonderful week wherever


you are. This is a holiday week in the US if you are listening to this when it


drops. The day that it drops is actually Thanksgiving. So if you are going to spend


time with family over the holiday, I hope you have a wonderful and restorative


time. Maybe you're listening to this on your drive or on whatever commute


you're on. Maybe it's a flight, whatever it is. But I hope you get some good


recharge time this holiday. Take advantage of some fun Black Friday deals, which


PS if you haven't checked out the Black Friday deals that are happening both at


Phoenix Athletica, my health and fitness coaching company, along with my


personal mentorship. I will go ahead and link the Instagram posts where I lay


everything out in these show notes here. This is definitely the biggest


coaching promotion opportunity that both Phoenix and myself have throughout the


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Generated transcripts are the property of Emily Duncan and are distributed freely under the Fair Use doctrine. Transcripts generated by Tapesearch are not guaranteed to be accurate.

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