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Inaction in Uvalde: Did the Police Fail the 19 Children?

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 26 May 2022

⏱️ 38 minutes

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As the fallout continues from the tragic elementary school massacre in Uvalde, TX, Charlie unpacks preliminary, after-action reporting which paints local police as largely inactive and ineffective in their response to the shooter. Channeling the outrage surely being felt by many in light of new video evidence, which shows police outside the school for forty minutes, restraining parents, and apparently refusing to act as the gunman murders 21 people inside a classroom, Charlie responds with his analysis and shares a handful of thoughts emailed over the course of the show by listeners. He's joined later in the episode by Tennessee Representative Mark Green who shares his thoughts surrounding the shooting and how Congress should respond in order to protect our kids—not just from shootings and evil attacks, but from open borders, fentanyl, and so much more.

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Hey everybody, it's me, the Charlie Kirk show a bombshell report shows that police officers waited 40 minutes to an hour


Before going in to stop the gunman now. This is an unfolding story in real time


And if it's true then a lot of the commentary


That we express on this program remains the same


But it shows that the timeline currently that everything we were told previously about the police officers trying to stop him from entering is just not true


There was no school resource officer that tried to stop the gunman from going in


There were a couple cops. I think that did go into try to neutralize


Him initially and they were shot at and but they were not killed


But then there is this inexplicable 40-minute to one-hour gap where parents were tased


And were prevented from going in to try to save their children's lives


Where the gunmen just had a total field day


I want you to think about that and I have some pretty choice words for cops that sit idly by and allow the killing to happen and do nothing


Who gave those orders? It makes my blood boil. This is not an attack against police officers


We love police officers. We think police officers are heroes


But if police officers act like cowards, they should be called cowards


The news report is lining up to show that there was a one-hour gap between the gunman walking in


And the gunman being neutralized that is unacceptable lives could have been saved


And someone needs to be held accountable for that


Email me your thoughts as always freedom at charliecork.com that is freedom at charliecork.com


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