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The Distraction: A Defector Podcast

It Doesn’t Matter If We’re Off Topic with Ray Ratto

The Distraction: A Defector Podcast

Defector Media

Sports, Society & Culture

4.72.5K Ratings

🗓️ 6 June 2024

⏱️ 63 minutes

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We're back! It's a distraction. I'm Drew. That's Roth. How you doing Roth? I'm good man. How are you?


I'm good. We just had our big off site in New York where we planned the future of this company and proud to announce that we


really we finalized a partnership deal with Bearback Sportsbook will be posting


lines on the site they will not be true intrusive


But you know it's important. We're gonna get an extra you know $10 per bet on it. So I'm I'm excited about that Yeah, I think the part of it that was convincing the money is one thing you know obviously the money is great


We wanted to show the readers what we think of them and what we think of them is that they are


Piggies and that they need to see a betting line so that they can mash a


hyperlink and go place a bet like the way that you that a piggy might eat something that you


threw in a trough in front of it.


Oh, you you very mean.


I'm no.


Justin Halper and called me the movie piggy.


My text message once and I was like, oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-what you. What was the movie that you were like raving about that caused you to become the movie Biggie?


I don't know. I, you know, I'm bad. I, because I wasn't able to go to the movie theater for like, I don't know,


a decade because of child rearing and all that stuff and so now when I go to the movies usually my first impression is like that's pretty good and then like yeah and then like 10 minutes later I'll'll either be like, well, it was flawed, you know, may not get great


reviews, but I had a good time. Or I'll be like, no, I'm still thinking of it as good. So that's, that's


got to be a good sign. So, yeah, it is kind of weird that that an experience that


Makes everyone that goes there because I really do think that's normal you go to a theater and unless the thing is a real


Fuggin DUD, people are going to be laughing, you're in a room with other people, you're sharing this kind of communal experience, you walk out on a little bit of a high, the idea that at this moment the studios are kind of like I don't think we really need that. I think people like to do it more at home. They like to be high and supine while watching something happen


instead of like, I mean you can see see any I mean if it's like a B minus movie scene in a movie theater is like hours well spent and that's not the same thing when you're watching at home. We're off topic. Well no no, the other thing is that it doesn't matter for


we're off topic. And by the way, Ray Rado's a guest.


Oh yeah, Ray, how's it going? Jump it in whatever you want.


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