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Jordan Harbinger (The Jordan Harbinger Show) - How to Connect with People, Network, and Make Friends (#15)

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 16 January 2018

⏱️ 98 minutes

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I'm a geek. Making new connections with people has always been difficult. Jordan Harbinger (host of The Jordan Harbinger Show) teaches us how to destroy social anxiety and make meaningful connections. Show notes.

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here.


Welcome back to another episode of the Kevin Rose show.


Today's show is going to be a fun one because it really addresses a problem that I had


and actually still continue to have. that is getting to know people.


For me being a geek and really being on my computer for most of my youth, I didn't really


have a lot of outside exposure to humans.


I really just sat on my computer all day long and that was kind of like my best friend sadly enough.


One of the things that I had a hard time with


as it was getting older was making connections with people.


And I don't mean that in kind of a networking type of way like business connections.


That is really important and it's certainly something that we should have in our toolkit


but just that initial conversation and getting through those layers of small talk and to real meaningful


conversation with people so that you can actually get to know them and find new friends I think


is a really useful skill to have and for me it was difficult because I'm the kind of person that likes to jump into a bit of the meaty conversation right away. I hate that kind of like,


it's cold out today, you know, that small talk that you have at parties and whatnot.


And so, you know, I've always been a little bit shy when it comes to that stuff.


You know, I'm kind of the first person that when you show up at a party or get together,


I head on over to the bar to grab a glass of wine because, you know, kind of like social lubricant a little bit makes a little bit more relaxed


so you can have these conversations. The guest today that we're having on Jordan


Harbinger he was the same way he had a really hard time getting to know people and meet people and he figured out


some really helpful tips and tricks to get past these issues, become a deeper


connector with people, better networker, get rid of this kind of


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