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K18 bond building, the Olaplex lawsuit and more - episode 329

The Beauty Brains

Discover the beauty and cosmetic products you should use and avoid

Science, Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Cosmetics, Natural Sciences, Cosmetic Science, Beauty Products

4.61K Ratings

🗓️ 18 March 2023

⏱️ 41 minutes

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On today’s show we answer questions about:

  1. Whether we think the K18 peptide technology is as magic as they claim
  2. Can you use products formulated for your face on different body parts?
  3. Can you substitute a men’s hair color for a woman’s?
  4. Is there anything in a conditioner that can permanently straighten hair?
  5. Is using probiotics a remedy for the problem of super bugs?
  6. Does heat damage hair below 400 degrees?
  7. Can you reuse beauty packaging?

Beauty Science News

Goop is closing its store in London. Is the clean, healthy living trend coming to an end?


Olaplex sued over claims of hair loss.

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on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
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Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner

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Hi, I'm Valerie, and you're listening to the Beauty Brains.


Welcome to the Beauty Brains, a show where real cosmetic chemists like us, answer your


beauty product questions and give you an insider's look at the cosmetic industry.


This is episode 329. I'm your host Valerie George and with me today is Perry Romanoi. Hi Perry.


Hello Valerie, good to see you again. It's been a bit. I'm so excited to catch up. Plus on today's show


we're going to answer questions about whether we think the K-18 pepti


technology is as magic as claimed. Can you use products formulated for your face on different body is


a magic is claimed? Can you use products for your face on different body parts?


Can you substitute a men's hair color for a woman's hair color?


Is there anything in a conditioner that can permanently straighten hair and finally or maybe not finally is using probiotics are remedy for the problem of superbugs.


Ooh superbugs.


But first that a name chit chat. Yes, that a name chit-chat. Yes a name chit-check. Well the last time we saw you you were in


Canada right? Last yeah we were in Canada. So I think we mentioned this before on the podcast, but I was telling Perry, oh, I can't do anything that week. I'm going to be in Canada. And he was like, I'm going to be in Canada. And then we were like, oh my God, I'm going to be in Canada and then we were like oh my God I'm going to be in Vancouver you're going to be in Vancouver and then I was like wait


What are you going to be doing in Vancouver and it turns out we were going to the same show.


The Hand Crafted Bath and Body Guild, Stronger Together,


annual convention.


Yeah, that was a lot of fun.


There's a real camaraderie there in the Beauty Makers Guild up there.


And some cool stuff.


They were making soap and other kind of bars and lotions and things.


Very cool.


Yeah, lots of bath bombs.


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