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Louisiana State Legislature Imposes New Penalties for Pedophiles | Facts Matter

Facts Matter

Roman Balmakov

News, Romanepochtimes, News Commentary, Factsmatter, Romanbalmakov, Roman, Epochtimes, Factsmatterroman, Theepochtimesroman

4.91.2K Ratings

🗓️ 8 June 2024

⏱️ 9 minutes

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Earlier this week, Louisiana's state Legislature passed a new bill that will approve surgical castration as a punishment option for those who are found guilty of sex crimes against children. This move by the Louisiana Legislature is part of a growing trend across the country of states looking to up the ante in terms of punishment for pedophiles—with some states going so far as to impose the death penalty.

However, whether or not this is constitutional is another question.

Let's go through the details together.

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Earlier this week, the state legislature of Louisiana they passed a new bill you can see it up in your


screen which will approve surgical castration as a punishment option for those who are


found guilty of sex crimes against kids.


Specifically, quote,


Louisiana judges could order surgical castration for people convicted of sex crimes against


young children under legislation approved on Monday.


Now it is worth noting that there are a number of states across the country like California, Florida


as well as Texas that already have chemical castration as a potential punishment for crimes against children.


Now in some of these states the criminal in question can opt for a surgical castration if that's what they prefer instead of a chemical castration.


However, if and when this new bill in Louisiana gets signed by the governor, it'll


make Louisiana the first state where the judges are allowed to impose surgical


castration on a convicted criminal.


Now interestingly, for the past 16 years, Louisiana has been one of those states that have


allowed for chemical castration.


Quote, for more than 16 years, judges in Louisiana have been allowed to order those


convicted of such crimes to receive chemical castration though that


punishment is rarely issued Louisiana's current chemical castration law


has been in place since 2008,


but officials said that from 2010 to 2019,


they could only find one or two cases where it was used,


meaning that it's an option that is not frequently invoked.


And just for your reference, at this very moment in the state of Louisiana, quote,


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