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Mo Brooks and Kevin Kiley Contend for the Future of the Republican Party

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 7 June 2022

⏱️ 38 minutes

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Charlie welcomes California state representative Kevin Kiley who is running for congress in California, who is staying to fight to reclaim one of the most beautiful places in the world that many people are leaving, all in order to stave off the radical left. They say, as goes California, so goes the country, and Kevin Kiley is trying to take the same fight that he's been battling in Sacramento to Washington, D.C. His primary in California on Tuesday could be a bellwether for the rest of the country as he campaigns to hold one of the few winnable open seats in the Golden state in order to hold Congress in the midterms. Next up, Charlie welcomes Rep. Mo Brooks who is running for Senate in the great state of Alabama. Rep. Brooks explains why he is the America First candidate in Alabama and explains the drama surrounding his race, including the endorsement of President Trump which was only later rescinded. Why are Rep. Brooks' poll numbers still rising despite this back and forth with Trump's endorsement? Listen in and see why the only rationale choice for senate in Alabama is Rep. Mo Brooks in the runoff coming up later in June. 

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Hello everybody today in the Charlie Kirk show we have two candidates running for office that I think are really interesting and worthy of our support


Kevin Kylie running for Congress in California and Congress and Mo Brooks running for Senate and Alabama


Some great conversations about the future of the Republican Party and if you live in Alabama or you live in that area of California


Listen and text it to your friends


Email me your thoughts as always freedom at Charlie Kirk.com support the Charlie Kirk show by taking out your podcast app and typing in Charlie Kirk show and


hitting subscribe in the upper right hand corner get involved with turning point USA at tp USA.com


Happy 10 years everybody. Thank you for supporting us at turning point USA the next 10 will be even better buckle up everybody here


We go Charlie what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk


Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I


Want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy his spirit his love of this country's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth


Organizations ever created turning point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries


destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here


Brought to you by the Lonexport I trust Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific mortgage at Andrew and Todd.com


We are going to be talking to two candidates that I believe


Deserved to be in Congress one in I think they still call it the upper chamber in the lower chamber


They still have that expression Connor. I don't know one in the house one of the Senate and


They're both doing a wonderful job and they both have primaries


Coming up and so first we have Kevin Kylie from California who is one of the few


Conservatives in California and he does a great job Kevin. Welcome back to the Charlie Kirk shop


Thanks Charlie. Great to be with you. So your race is tomorrow. Is that right? It is


Tell us about your race. Tell us about is there a potential for a runoff?


So how does it work? It's the top two is like a jungle primary. How does it work?


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