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Fascinating People Fascinating Places

Navalny: Putin Strikes Again With David Satter

Fascinating People Fascinating Places

Daniel Mainwaring

Documentary, Society & Culture:documentary, History, Society & Culture

51.1K Ratings

🗓️ 20 March 2024

⏱️ 23 minutes

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In February 2024, Alexei Navalny a Russian politician died in an Arctic Russian penal colony. At just 47 years old his death would have been surprising were it not for the fact the Russian secret service FSB seemingly at the direction of Vladimir Putin had already tried and failed to kill him using a chemical weapon four years earlier. In this episode, I speak with Russian political expert David Satter. Formerly a Moscow correspondent for the Financial Times, and Soviet special correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. He was banned and expelled from Russian in 2013 after uncovering evidence of corruption and FSB links with apparent Chechnyan terrorist atrocities. We discuss the death of Navalny, the Wagner group’s failed coup under Prighozin, the war in Ukraine, and the threat of nuclear war. Guest: David Satter And please, subscribe, follow us on social media, and let your friends know about the podcast. The more exposure we get, the easier it is for people to find the podcast in a world controlled by those pesky big tech companies that prioritize profit above quality content produced as a labor of love. Music: Pixabay This episode is sponsored by World History Encyclopedia, one of the top history websites on the internet. I love the fact that they’re not a Wiki: Every article they publish is reviewed by their editorial team, not only for being accurate but also for being interesting to read. The website is run as a non-profit organization, so you won’t be bombarded by annoying ads and it’s completely free. It’s a great site, and don’t just take my word for it they’ve been recommended by many academic institutions including Oxford University. Go check them out at or follow this link: World History Encyclopedia Корреспондент Wall Street Journal и Financial Times Дэвид Саттер был выслан и запрещен въезд в Россию после разоблачения коррупции в режиме Путина. 19 марта он рассказал @FascinatingPeopleandPlaces о шокирующей смерти российского политика Алексея Навального. Также обсуждаем бунт группы #вагнера. Подозрительная смерть лидера вагнеровского переворота #евгенияпригожина, война на #украине и #российские угрозы применить #ядерную силу. Кореспондент Wall Street Journal і Financial Times Девід Саттер був видворений і заборонений в’їзд до Росії після викриття корупції в режимі Путіна. 19 березня він розповідає @FascinatingPeopleandPlaces про шокуючу смерть #російського політика Олексія #навального. Ми також обговорюємо заколот групи #вагнера. Підозріла смерть лідера путчу Вагнера #євгенапригожина, війна в #україні та #російські погрози застосувати #ядерну силу. Korespondent Wall Street Journal i Financial Times David Satter został wydalony i wyrzucony z Rosji po ujawnieniu korupcji w reżimie Putina. 19 marca rozmawia z @FascinatingPeopleandPlaces o szokującej śmierci #rosyjskiego polityka Aleksieja #nawalnego. Rozmawiamy także o buncie grupy #wagner. Podejrzana śmierć przywódcy zamachu stanu Wagnera Jewgienija Prigożyna, wojna na Ukrainie i groźby użycia przez Rosję sił nuklearnych.


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This episode is sponsored by World History Encyclopedia, one of the top history websites on the internet.


I love the fact they're not a wiki. Every article they publish is reviewed by the editorial team, not only for being accurate, but also for being interesting to read.


The website is run as a non-profit organization, so you won't be bombarded by annoying ads,


and it's completely free. It's a great site, and don't just take my word for it. They've been recommended by many academic institutions, including Oxford University.


Go check them out at world Or follow the link in the episode description.


On the 16th of February 2024 Russian politician Alexei Navone died in an Arctic penal colony.


Mr. Speaker, the whole house will join me in sending our deepest condolences to the family


of Alexi Navalny.


He died for a cause to which he dedicated his whole life freedom.


While the news was shocking to the world, it wasn't sadly surprising, as US President Joe Biden explained.


Toon had him poisoned, he had him arrested, he had him prosecuted for


fabricated crimes, he sentenced to prison, he was held in isolation,


even all that didn't stop him from calling out his lies.


Even in prison, he was a powerful voice of the truth.


Upon the Valley's death, foreign critics were quick to point the finger of Blame


of Vladimir Putin, and with good reason.


A third Russian man is facing charges over his alleged involvement in the Salisbury


Poissonings three years ago which left one woman dead and three others critically ill.


In the last hour it's been confirmed that Yevgeni Prigosion, head of the Wagner group,


was on board the private jet that crashed near Moscow.


Now there is unequivocal proof that the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was poisoned


with a Novichock nerve agent.


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