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Novara FM: Britain is Broken. Can Anyone Fix It? w/ Dom Davies

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 4 July 2024

⏱️ 61 minutes

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Asked in a recent poll to summarise Britain in a word, ‘broken’ was the people’s top choice. This brokenness is concrete stuff: crumbling bridges, sewage-filled rivers, failing computer systems, cancelled rail projects. But it’s also bundled with the collective stories we tell about what it means to be a nation, and who belongs in it. […]

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And the F.S.N. This is Navarro FM.


This is Navarro FM.


Why does nothing in Britain work? Or at least that's how it feels? Broken Britain has been


a rallying cry for the far left and far right for years now, with the latter arguably squeezing more political mileage out of it.


Why is that? Well, attached to crumbling scaffolding that Britain is built on, like the NHS or pothold roads or delayed trains,


are a load of subliminal narratives about what having access to these services,


or their existence in the first place means for us, as citizens,


as individuals and as people living in a country that used to rule over the rest of the world,


don't you know? These are narratives of


belonging and exclusion of building a future for the collective versus building a


bunker just for ourselves as the world falls apart. They're very powerful and


one man has written a must-read book all about them.


Dr Dominic Davis is a senior lecturer in English at City University in London and he's also the


author of The Broken Promise of Infrastructure.


The title is one I fear that some people will switch off at but please bear with us because we're about to


dive into an episode that explains everything from why Maggie Thatcher is


responsible for road rage to why politicians just can't help making pledges faster than they can break


them. In this conversation Dominic and I go from Stoke-on-Trent to Silicon Valley and back again,


covering why the water in your taps makes you feel like you belong,


and how food banks could provide the sort of model for infrastructure that means we'll never need a food bank again.


Let's get into it. Nothing works has emerged as a rallying cry.


Even the Conservatives were trying to position themselves the sort of


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