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Novara FM: What’s Really Causing the Housing Crisis? w/ Nick Bano

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 4 April 2024

⏱️ 66 minutes

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Why is it so expensive to rent in the UK? In a divisive new book, barrister Nick Bano places the blame squarely on price-gouging landlords, rejecting the conventional wisdom that calls for more new housing as a solution to the crisis. He goes head to head with Novara Live’s Michael Walker to explain the thinking […]

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Hi, Navarro FM now has its own dedicated inbox.


You can send your comments, corrections, thoughts, and provocations about the show,


or tell us what you like to hear to FM at Navarro Media.com.


And maybe we'll read them out on a later episode.


That's FM at Navarro Media.


com. media. F.M. Welcome to Navara F.M. or


or crash course with Michael Walker depending on which feed


you're listening to this on. As you can guess, I'm Michael Walker.


I usually host Navara Live at Navara Media, but they're giving me the chance to host a Navara FM this time around. It's Navarro Media's big ideas podcast, Crash Course with Michael Walker, if you hadn't heard of it,


is my chance to get out of the news cycle and which I'm often in on Navarro Live and talk about


topics in some real depth. Now my first


series of that podcast was all about rent and the housing crisis which I think


is why chow ravens asked me to host this episode of Navarro


which is on those themes. My guest on this episode is Nick Bano. Nick is a housing barrister who's just released a book which has


made quite a lot of waves online in recent days and weeks. That's in part because of a guardian article he wrote in connection to the book which argued


that we don't really have a housing shortage and that there isn't really a lack of supply in this country and that the root cause of the housing crisis


is simply the issue of landlords profiteering.


Now if you followed my previous work you'll know that I'm not a massive fan of landlords,


but I do actually have some big theoretical and empirical disagreements with Nick Bano.


So a big part of this conversation is a bit of a debate about how much supply matters when it comes to housing. I think it matters. Nick doesn't. He's coming from an explicitly Marxist perspective I suppose I'm coming from you can make your mind up as you listen to it


the podcast isn't just a debate about supply and demand though.


We also talk about some of the really interesting historical analyses that Nick has in the book,


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