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Novara FM: Where Will Labour Invade This Time? w/ David Wearing

Novara Media

Novara Media

Politics, Philosophy, News, Society & Culture

4.81.3K Ratings

🗓️ 20 June 2024

⏱️ 83 minutes

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Was the Iraq War the exception or the rule? Throughout the twentieth century, Labour governments have been involved in some of Britain’s most disastrous colonial acts: the partition of India, the counter-insurgency in Malaya, and the Nakba. So, what can we expect this time? Eleanor Penny asks David Wearing, author of AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth […]

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The F. F. F. F. A. A. A. A. A. A. F. A. My name is Eleanor Penny. The top brass of Kiastama's Labour Party has spent


the last eight months lending their support for Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.


And as campaigning in the general election gets under genocidal war on Gaza.


And as campaigning in the general election gets underway, the leadership have further


cracked down on the left in the party.


The internationalist left who have been consistently critical of UK foreign policy have found themselves


often hauled before tribunals or booted out of the party entirely.


The hundreds of thousands of people who joined the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn might be a little


bewildered by what can be seen as a sharp, even unprecedented rightwards tack in foreign policy.


But is it really so surprising? Is Thammer's hawkishness the exception or the rule?


What is the history of Labour's approach to foreign policy?


As a party of government with its hand on the levers of the British


state, it has been a major institution of colonial rule from the early 20th century


right through to the present day. So how has that shaped the party


and what kinds of politics are possible under the banner of the labor rose?


I asked David Waring, a lecturer in international relations at the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex to tell me more about the ins and outs of that history and how it shaped our present moments.


David Waring has written widely on history,


colonialism, foreign policy, and the Middle East


for outlets including the New York Times,


the Guardian, the New Humanist,


and the London Review of Books.


His book Anglo-Arabia, Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain was published by Polity Press in 2018.


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