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Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology

Revelation for the Rest of Us

Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology


Talk Radio, Religion & Spirituality, Christianity

4.82.4K Ratings

🗓️ 12 June 2023

⏱️ 46 minutes

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Fund conversations that matter: Today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology is a bona-fide bonus episode because we’ve kicked our normal conversational parameters to the curb and are having a rollicking, revelatory good time with a really special guest today – best-selling author, renowned New Testament scholar, seminary professor, and one of our favorite theologians here on Back Porch Theology, Dr. Scot McKnight. Alli and I have had the privilege of getting to know Dr. McKnight because he’s been one of the keynotes at The Kerygma Summit the past two years so when asked him to be our tour guide as we explore the complex caboose of Holy Writ, the book of Revelation, he graciously agreed. Because of its dramatic imagery of dragons, sea creatures, beasts, and divine heroes blazing through the sky on horseback, this biblical prophecy has fascinated readers since John wrote it under the inspiration of Holy Spirit almost 2,000 years ago. However, because of its apocalyptic tone, it’s also been used to strike fear in the heart of hearers and send dutiful Christians scrambling to Costco to stockpile water and canned food as we prepare for impending doom when the world as we know it implodes. Thankfully, Dr. McKnight gives us a more redemptive hermeneutical lens through which to understand and apply the book of Revelation – one that recognizes John’s prophetic symbolism as timeless theology instead of a specific prediction of events that will take place in a future time. Mind you, he might step on your toes a time or two while doing so because his academic exegesis likely won’t match up with every jot and tiddle of your ingrained eschatology, but it’s totally worth the toe pinch because the takeaway is a compelling charge to better reflect the Living Hope of Jesus Christ in the current Babylon of modern culture. So please grab a cup of coffee and open your Bible to the back – unless you’ve got both hands wrapped around a wee pebble high up on a wall and are wondering how in the world you got talked into a rope-climbing course, of course – and come hang out on the porch with us. Follow Us On Instagram! @BackPorchTheologyPodcast @LisaDHarper @AllisonAllen @Jim.Howard.Co Learn more about Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program at SAVE 20% by using code Lisa20 at


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Today's Conversational and Backpourch Theology is a bonafide bonus episode because we've kicked our


normal conversational parameters to the curb and are having a rollicking revelatory good time with


a really special guest today, bestselling author, renowned New Testament scholar, seminary prof,


and one of our favorite Theologians here on Backpourch Theology, Dr. Scott McKnight.


Allie and I have had the privilege of getting to know Dr. McKnight because he's been one of the


keynotes at the Christmas summit the past two years. So when we asked him to be our tour guide as we


explore the complex caboose of Holy Red, the book of Revelation, he graciously agreed. Now because


of its dramatic imagery of dragons and sea creatures, beasts and divine heroes blazing through the


sky and horseback, this biblical prophecy at the end of our Bible has fascinated readers


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