4.8 • 2.3K Ratings
🗓️ 15 September 2023
⏱️ 62 minutes
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0:00 Biden’s new DEI initiatives
7:59 The disparate uses of disparate impact
13:59 Shep’s new book, The Crucible of Desegregation: The Uncertain Search for Educational Equality
23:15 The problem with claims that education is resegregating
29:56 Are we heading back to the bussing debates of the 1970s?
35:52 Shep’s book, The Transformation of Title IX: Regulating Gender Equality in Education
44:20 Glenn’s “uncle” objects to analogies between trans people and African Americans
47:58 Shep: Banning Critical Race Theory is the wrong strategy
Recorded September 8, 2023
Links and Readings
Shep’s new book, The Crucible of Desegregation: The Uncertain Search for Educational Equality
Heather Mac Donald’s book, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives
Gary Orfield’s book, The Reconstruction of Southern Education: The Schools and the 1964 Civil Rights Act
James Fishkin’s book, Justice, Equal Opportunity, and the Family
Shep’s book, The Transformation of Title IX: Regulating Gender Equality in Education
John Skretny’s book, The Minority Rights Revolution
Robin DiAngelo’s book, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism
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0:00.0 | The Glend Show is brought to you by the Manhattan Institute. |
0:11.0 | Please consider becoming a paid subscriber at glendlauri.substac.com. |
0:16.8 | As a subscriber, you will receive new episodes on Mondays instead of Fridays and get access |
0:22.5 | to exclusive content, ticket pre-sells to lava vents, monthly Q&As with Glendlauri and |
0:28.4 | John McWater and other benefits. |
0:32.0 | Your contribution will also help to fund grassroots initiatives that empower black development |
0:37.2 | across the country as we donate 10% of our profits to the Woodson Center. |
0:42.6 | Thank you. |
0:43.6 | Hello everybody, who's tuned in. |
0:47.5 | This is Glendlauri at the Glend Show, sponsored by the Manhattan Institute, where I'm John |
0:52.6 | Paulson, Senior Fellow, every other week with John McWater here at the Glend Show. |
0:57.8 | Every other week with a distinguished guest, this week our distinguished guest is Professor |
1:02.8 | Chef Melnik. |
1:04.9 | He is the Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Professor of Politics at Boston College and Co-director |
1:11.4 | of Harvard's Program on Constitutional Government and an author of several important books |
1:19.5 | about the administrative, the politics of the administrative state, the transformation |
1:24.8 | of Title IX that was five years ago or so. |
1:28.8 | And most recently published earlier this year, the crucible of desegregation. |
1:35.4 | And so I was looking forward to talking with Chef about the politics of the civil rights |
1:39.7 | state in our time amongst other things. |
1:42.9 | I mean, there is an election coming. |
1:45.6 | The president is in the dock in a number of jurisdictions. |
... |
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