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The Final Fail-Safe of a Free People

The Charlie Kirk Show

Charlie Kirk

News, Politics, News Commentary, Society & Culture

4.542.4K Ratings

🗓️ 27 May 2022

⏱️ 39 minutes

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As the timeline clears up on the horrific Uvalde shooting, Charlie speaks on the importance of the 2nd Amendment and how to fight for it in the face of intense backlash after Uvalde. Charlie offers an enlightening argument on what the true purpose of 2A is, where it came from, and what everyday citizens need to do to protect it. He also dives back into the heartbreaking and still unfolding story of Uvalde police officers barricading doors and ignoring calls from children in classrooms for 76 minutes that is becoming clearer by the hour as details emerge from Texas DPS. He defends his impassioned and emotional speech regarding the mistakes made by Uvalde police officers, and he updates listeners on the latest news coming in.

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Hello everybody, today in the Charlie Kirk show, what is the purpose of the second amendment?


It's very important that we clarify the need and the moral necessity for the second amendment.


We go through that in great detail and then we give the latest update from you, Vol.


We've received some positive, lots of positive emails and some negative emails about some of our


recent comments, what happened to you, Vol. Day. Well, the recent reports further vindicate and


strengthen our argument. We go through it in a very reasonable way. You could feel free to disagree,


but when you hear this episode, I think you'll be moved and convinced that the actions or the


inactions of the police officers and you Vol. Day Texas were unacceptable. Support Turning Point


USA at tpusa.com or we're on high school and college campuses all across the country,


give a gift of any amount at tpusa.com to get your copy of the conservative response to the


great reset. That's tpusa.com. You can email me directly as always, freedom at Charlie Kirk.com.


I love hearing from you. So just send me a note, freedom at Charlie Kirk.com. Support the


Charlie Kirk show at Charlie Kirk.com slash support that's Charlie Kirk.com slash support.


If you want to get involved with Turning Point USA or sort of high school or college chapter,


you could also do that at tpusa.com. Buckle up everybody here. We go. Charlie, what you've


done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky


to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie.


He's an incredible guy. He's spirit. His love of this country. He's done an amazing job. Building


one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created Turning Point USA. We will not embrace


the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives and we are going to fight for freedom


on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. Brought to you by Andrew Entada


Sierra Pacific Mortgage for personalized loan services you can count on go to AndrewEntada.com.


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