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The Society for Indecency to Naked Animals

American Hysteria

W!ZARD Studios

Society & Culture

4.43.1K Ratings

🗓️ 1 April 2024

⏱️ 67 minutes

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In the late 1950s, an organization known as SINA started a campaign with the mission of clothing naked animals for the sake of decency. Today we will look at this bizarre moral crusade and its leader, whose life you'll have to hear about to believe. Become a Patron to support our show and get early ad-free episodes and bonus content Or subscribe to American Hysteria on Apple Podcasts Find us on Instagram @americanhysteriapodcast Leave us a message on our Urban Legends Hotline or get your mitts on some merch at americanhysteria.com Sound Designer and Associate Producer: Riley Swedelius-Smith Producer and Editor: Miranda Zickler Voice Actor: Will Rogers Written, Produced, and Hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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On this podcast, we explore fantastical thinking, moral panics, urban legends, conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and crazes, examine the forces that shape


our culture and tell the stories that create the realities we share and sometimes we don't.


I'm your host, Chelsea Weber Smith,


and this is American hysteria.


A nude horse is a rude horse.


It was the plastic wrapped 1950s and the squeaky clean, syrupy sweet, wholly American nuclear family morality was clipping the frigid suburban dream to perfection,


like a sculpted emerald hedge espousing the strict values of patriotism consumerism


Christianity democracy and opportunity the culture was also cut through with an extreme distaste for any expression of sexuality.


It was a time of the mass censorship of books, comics, TV shows, movies,


of any entertainment or entertainer deemed indecent.


But one group was willing to take this pearl clutching


to an extreme that made even the staunchest moral crusaders lower their sin slashing swords and shrug.


It's kind of like someone who drops a match and suddenly you have a forest fire, but in a sense


that's what I did by lighting a match underneath the idea that all animals should wear clothing for the sake of decency, namely horses, cows, dogs, cats,


any animal stands higher than four inches or as long. A long unaddressed issue of ancient cultural rot was finally coming into the light and someone was finally


taking action against the natural smut that lived all around us, eating our grass, fetching our sticks,


galloping through our fields.


The Society for Indecency to Naked Animals or Sina was fighting to spread awareness


and to pass federal laws all in the hopes that like humans animals would


eventually be required to wear clothing that covered their




Sinas President was a man named G Clifford Prout Jr.


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