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Tim Urban, Wait But Why (#13)

The Kevin Rose Show

Kevin Rose

Science, Entrepreneurship, Longevity, Technology, Cryptocurrency, Kevin Rose, Health, Meditation, Business, Health & Fitness, Mindfulness, Society & Culture

4.92.1K Ratings

🗓️ 14 December 2017

⏱️ 80 minutes

🧾️ Download transcript


Tim Urban has become one of the Internet’s most popular writers. His in-depth and geeky posts have garnered millions of visitors and famous fans like Elon Musk. In this episode, Tim and Kevin talk Bitcoin, VR, how to be more like Elon Musk, cryonics to live forever, and much more. Get all the show notes here.

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Hey everybody Kevin Rose here.


Welcome back to another episode of the Kevin Rose show.


Today's guest is Tim Urban and he is the creator of Weight But Why. If you have heard of Weight But Why,


you're probably pretty excited right now as I am because it is such a phenomenal blog


slash website.


He writes these amazing long form in-depth posts about topics that as geeks we kind of care about.


So he had a really great post recently about Neur link, which is Eilam Musk's new computer


brain interface, and he takes these really complex topics and breaks them down into


really simple terms that we can all understand and that would explain why literally millions


of people read his posts, including Elon Musk.


So Elon Musk, I think we talked about a little bit in the show, but was actually a fan in a reader of


his site and reached out to Tim and they became friends and then Elon invited him to go to SpaceX, which we talk about.


Yeah, it's actually pretty awesome that Elon also reads this site.


But he has a great post also about like the upcoming AI Revolution and why


procrastinators procrastinate that one was so awesome that it was turned into a


TED Talk where Tim went on stage at Ted and kind of presented his findings there.


Not TEDX, but actually Ted Proper, which is pretty awesome.


And in today's show, Tim and I get in and start talking about how to think more like Elon, also virtual reality,


artificial intelligence and cryonics.


You've probably heard me mention and talk about this stuff on various podcasts in the past, but


I assure you this is a lot different


because it is with Tim, who is an insanely deep thinker.


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