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Something Rhymes with Purple

Sony Music

Arts, Education, Comedy

4.82.5K Ratings

🗓️ 4 October 2022

⏱️ 42 minutes

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Welcome back to Something Rhymes with Purple for our first show in our Autumn tour! Recorded live at the Fortune Theatre in London, Susie and Gyles arrived with bells and whistles on for an etymological exploration into the world of bells, specifically the Capital’s Big Ben. There was much tintinnabulation (as much as Gyles tried to derail this) and our lovely audience of Purple People got to discover the links between cups and chimes, why bells were responsible for re-naming the belfry tower, and why Swiss Cow Bells are nostalgic. We were saved by the bell once discussions of ringing one’s bell went a little too far and Gyles got his (metaphorical) catsuit on to give us a stunning rendition of T.S. Eliot’s ‘Gus: The Theatre Cat’ from Eliot’s Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. We love hearing from you, find us @SomethingRhymes on Twitter and Facebook, @SomethingRhymesWith on Instagram or you can email us here: [email protected] We currently have 20% off at the SRwP official merchandise store, just head to: https://kontraband.shop/collections/something-rhymes-with-purple Want even more purple, people? Join the Purple Plus Club by clicking the banner in Apple podcasts or head to purpleplusclub.com to listen on other platforms. Don’t forget that you can join us in person at our upcoming tour, tap the link to find tickets: www.somethingrhymeswithpurple.com Enjoy Susie’s Trio for the week: Matter-fangled: to have got into a muddle while talking Rackups: your just desserts Quanker: someone who settles a dispute Gyles' poem this week was 'Gus: The Theatre Cat' by 'T.S. Eliot' Gus is the Cat at the Theatre Door. His name, as I ought to have told you before, Is really Asparagus. That's such a fuss To pronounce, that we usually call him just Gus. His coat's very shabby, he's thin as a rake, And he suffers from palsy that makes his paw shake. Yet he was, in his youth, quite the smartest of Cats-- But no longer a terror to mice and to rats. For he isn't the Cat that he was in his prime; Though his name was quite famous, he says, in its time. And whenever he joins his friends at their club (Which takes place at the back of the neighbouring pub) He loves to regale them, if someone else pays, With anecdotes drawn from his palmiest days. For he once was a Star of the highest degree-- He has acted with Irving, he's acted with Tree. And he likes to relate his success on the Halls, Where the Gallery once gave him seven cat-calls. But his grandest creation, as he loves to tell, Was Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell. A Somethin’ Else & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email [email protected] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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There's something so romantic about winter and I don't know whether that's just because


I'm a bit for homebody and I love a 5.


But I think it's just the holiday period, it's just for me, it's the most romantic period.


And I think anyone who's listened to my records will know that I'm quite a big fan of romance.


Joy in every sip with red carp snout back at Starbucks.


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Fortune Theatre.


Wow, well thank you so much for joining us.


This is the start of our tour.


We'll have a monthly residency, won't we, Jazzyn, it's very theatre, until next February.


We're all soft to Oxford.


Can't wait for that, that's my hometown.


We're going to be at the Oxford Playhouse, which is the theatre I know well, because in


the 1970s I was the artistic director of the Oxford Theatre Festival.


Why you?


And I'll be telling you lots of name-dropping stories of stars of stage and screen


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